I am transferring some code from one page to another and introduced a larger image of the stars,
In the test page below I should have 5 stars; instead I only have three and there seems to be a max-width and max-height somewhere that is cutting the stars but I cannot see where
I need the stars on the left and the updated on the right to be in the same line.
I thought I could solve that by wrapping them both in a div with display:inline; but it did not work
I may not have understood your instructions because it still does not work
The idea is to get the “update” back to where it was before I added the stars (close to the top) as ither wise it will upset the images below when they are enlarged. besides, I prefer it that way.
@megazoid, please note that double slashes are not valid CSS comment marks. They are JavaScript comment marks and will cause CSS to fail. In defence of our members who copy and paste without knowing better, I recommend that you use valid CSS comment marks /* ... */
A newbie may not copy and paste your code, but they see your example and believe it is valid. They may not know anything is wrong with it. I have seen it happen here several times. If nothing else, it’s just good practice to post valid code.
!important should override the heavier style. Unfortunately, considering the very broad number of <p> tags on the page, and the styles applied, that potentially adds up to a lot of !importants… a phenomenon that gave rise to the saying, “If everything is !important, then nothing is important”.
Old code that was unknowingly poorly written like that, is cumbersome to work around, but very worthwhile to fix properly at one’s earliest opportunity before more band-aids accumulate.
Think about it… do you have any idea which <p> tag or tags that rule was originally meant to target?
While we’re on, do you know if it is possible with html/css to present just a central section of a page in a popup?
If you look at my main pages like http://pintotours.net/Europe/Spain/Barcelona.html the hotels have a “Look inside” button that brings up a popup, which is in fact part of a full page, with the sidebars hidden
The new pages that you helped me with are, at the moment, substituting those popups, but I have reasons to try and bring them back.
So, the idea is that when you press that button the appropriate NEW full page is called but somehow only #box4 is visible in a reduced sized page.
The current code uses a popup script but I would prefer css/html