Meta keyword in wordpress

i want to add meta keywords on top 15 high protein foods
so, please anyone tell me hoe to add meta keywords in a article without any 3rd party plugin

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I’m a little confused by your question.
“Meta keywords” seems to refer to the keywords meta-tag which can appear in the head section of a page.
But then you say “in an article” which suggests keywords within the body text of an article on a page.
Can you clarify which you actually mean?

Meta keywords are outdated now. Google is not focusing on it. Read Google’s update on Meta Keywords.

Then also if you want to add meta keywords without a plugin, then you have to do it via custom programming.

But it’s recommended to use a plugin like All in One SEO for meta keywords and other SEO settings.

Meta Tags including title, description and keywords are actually HTML meta tags, and they go into your website’s header. While, WordPress SEO plugins make it super easy to add them from your WordPress admin area for each post and page on your website. Yoast SEO plugin. is the best for Meta Tags in Wordpress.

Meta tag are positioned below the title of when you are working on making drafts of your site. There you can edit the meta tags according to your article. It is one time activity and is recommended that you should not change it after publishing of your article.

In WordPress, There is field available for meta data like meta tag or keyword. You can Put your keyword there.

Meta Keyword is about 20 words limit of an article in which one provides necessary information about the article.

As the OP has never returned to clarify their question, there seems little point in continuing this discussion.

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