Menu css problem in IE?

hi all,
I added one dynamic menu getting data from database.
When mouseover on the link, it will display all items.

But this functionality is working nice in Mozilla Firefox but not in IE. When we mouseover on the link first time in IE, the sub-menu items are not displaying at first, when we move on second time it is showing…

Please help me regarding this?

Please help me regarding this?
In order to get any help you will need to provide a link to the page or post your code.

If it is the link in your signature you need to say so, normally we don’t look there unless you tell us

If as ray said it’s the link is the one in your sig then the first think to do is to add a full doctype otherwise all bets are off from the start.


All versions of IE will behave more like IE5 than anything built this century when in quirks mode.