Media Queries

My CSS stylesheet supports a ‘desktop’ and ‘mobile’ layout depending on screen width (media queries).

I ensure that the mobile layout is used by default so that if media queries aren’t supported that the mobile layout is used.

(I also use IE 8 specific code to support that, but please ignore that for this post)

I then style a div something like this (two class names below)

<div class=“half-width-box show-full-width-on-mobile”>


.half-width-box {
width: 50%;
@media all and (max-width: 469px) {
.show-full-width-on-mobile {
width: 100%;

So now it automatically shows full width on a screen smaller than 470px.

The problem is that if media queries aren;t supported (e.g. old mobile device) then it won’t work properly unless I do this:

.half-width-box {
width: 50%;
.show-full-width-on-mobile {
width: 100%;
@media all and (min-width: 470px) {
.show-full-width-on-mobile {
*** completely ignore this style element as though it wasn’t used ***

The above would be great as if media queries weren’t supported then it would work, but only if .show-full-width-on-mobile can be ignored at 470px and above.

I can’t set a width value on .show-full-width-on-mobile (for 470px and above) as I don’t know what the other class value would be, as it could be something like this:

<div class=“quarter-width-box show-full-width-on-mobile”>

(and of course loads of other styling is needed other than just width on all the class names)

Hope this makes sense. I really can’t completely change everything as the above is just an example of the entire thing.


What you could do is set the width to 100% for all devices, and then for desktops that support media queries, do this:

@media all and (min-width: 470px) {
.box {
  width: 50%;

Then you can also set the width to 50% for older IEs via a conditional comments (or just let people on outdated browsers get width: 100%).

This way, you don’t need different classes on the div. Just use something like:

.box {width: 100%;}

@media all and (min-width: 470px) {
.box {
  width: 50%;



Your answer is of course perfect, but I actually need the different classes as it is an extension to a grid system, where setting an extra class will render the grid element (column) differently on different screen sizes.

I’ve found a way to do it which offers an ‘ok’ performance for devices which don’t support media queries, so this’ll have to do. The solution just sets a default value and then overrides some of those settings (but not all as it could override the main grid).

I can;t really post anything to help others as I doubt anybody really knows what I’m on about.

I’ve resolved everything anyway.

Thanks for the help and for reading my lengthy post!

Glad it was of some help. Now you can see perhaps why I won’t touch grid systems. :slight_smile: