Max Range Sum
Difficulty : Easy
Time Limit : 30 minDescription
Bob is developing a new strategy to get rich in the stock market. He wishes to invest his
portfolio for 1 or more days, then sell it at the right time to maximize his earnings. Bob
has painstakingly tracked how much his portfolio would have gained or lost for each of
the last N days. Now he has hired you to figure out what would have been the largest total gain his portfolio could have achieved.Example :
Bob kept track of the last 10 days in the stock market. On each day, the gains/losses
are as follows: 7 -3 -10 4 2 8 -2 4 -5 -2. If Bob entered the stock market on day 4 and
exited on day 8, his gains would have been 16 (4 + 2 + 8 + -2 + 4).Input
The input consists of integers on a line separated by spaces. The input contains N, the
number of days (0 < N < 10000), followed by N integers D (-10000 < D < 10000) indicating the gain or loss on that day.Output
For each test case, print a line containing the maximum possible gain over the period. If no gain is possible, print 0.Test 1
10 7 -3 -10 4 2 8 -2 4 -5 -6
Expected Output
What about their “Expected Output”? How did they get “16”? When I call:
getBestRunProfit("10 7 -3 -10 4 2 8 -2 4 -5 -6")
, I get “20”. But they said that I’m wrong and they’re right (16). They even told the recruiter that (she is less responsive to me now).
Here’s my code:,js,console