Let me start by saying that I am very new to PHP and DBs. I am taking a lynda course called “Dreamweaver CS4 Dynamic Development”. I have been doing static websites and wanted to take it a step further. Here is my problem.
Following along with the course we are creating a form that will display existing data in form controls. Early in the course they told me to go to adobe exchange and download the “FX_PHP_DateTFormats.mxp” and “MX744392_PHPServerFormats.mxp” ext for php functions in Dreamweaver CS4. I did and installed them correctly.
Now we are at a part where we are formatting output from the db. The initial code looks like this:
“<input name=“pubdate” type=“text” id=“pubdate” value=”<?php echo $row_rsTitle[‘pubdate’]; ?>" />"
and displays an output that looks like this:
“2003-01-05 00:00:00”
It asks me to go through the menus to select and create this code under the menu label 0f “Date - 01/05/2004”:
“<input name=“pubdate” type=“text” id=“pubdate” value=”<?php echo makeDateTime($row_rsTitle[‘pubdate’], ‘m/d/Y’); ?>" />"
Now it’s suppose to output the 01/05/2004 format but instead I get the following error:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function makeDateTime() in C:\wamp\www\dwwithphp\ itleupdateform.php on line 127”
Line 127 is this line:
“<input name=“pubdate” type=“text” id=“pubdate” value=”<?php echo makeDateTime($row_rsTitle[‘pubdate’], ‘m/d/Y’); ?>" />"
Now I have been googling this for hours. I have found some people that say that the makeDateTime php function doesn’t exist and others that show how to use it but not with a variable being output from the db. I have tried researching date function with php but none of the sites that i found show how to couple it with a db output.
I am getting a similar error with DoFormatCurrency for my price field.
Any idea?