Make search function run faster: using nosql or search engine?

My site have more than 400k records and when user using search function it run very slowly. I want to improve the speed.
I have received two suggest:

  1. using Nosql
  2. using a search engine like elasticsearch or solr

But I haven’t more experiment in these fields. Can you please help me to choose the best solution.
Thank you.

3. optimize your current query against your current database

This is my sql “SELECT * FROM product p LEFT JOIN user u WHERE p.uid = AND LIKE ‘%[search_string]%’”

Can you please give me an idea to optimize this.

[quote=“Imvydao, post:3, topic:196149, full:true”]Can you please give me an idea to optimize this.
remove the name column from the product table, place it into its own MYISAM table, and create a FULLTEXT index on it

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Many thanks!

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