Quite hard to explain.
On the picture you see that I have the table, and I need to make it so on the 8th result it puts it down to a new row.
<table align='left' width='100' height='130' border='1'>
$account = $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME'];
$username = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts where username = '$account'")
or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $username )) {
$id = $row['id'];
// Get all the data from the "example" table
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters ORDER by active DESC")
or die(mysql_error());
// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
// Print out the contents of each row into a table
$skin = $row['skin'];
$name = $row['charactername'];
$cash = $row['money'];
$lastarea = $row['lastarea'];
$name2 = str_replace("_", " ", $name);
$bankmoney = $row['bankmoney'];
$characterid = $row['id'];
$totalmoney = $cash +$bankmoney;
$cked = $row['cked'];
$active = $row['active'];
$cked2 = str_replace("0", "<font color=\\"#009900\\">Alive</font>", $cked);
$cked3 = str_replace("1", "<font color=\\"#CC0000\\">Dead</font>", $cked2);
$cked4 = str_replace("2", "<font color=\\"#CC0000\\">Dead</font>", $cked3);
$deactivated = "<font color=\\"#CC0000\\">Deactivated</font>";
echo "
<td height='56' colspan='2'><center><a href=\\"./characters.php?id=$characterid\\">"; if($active == 1){ echo "<img border=\\"0\\" width='85' height='78' src=\\"./img/skins/$skin.png\\">"; } else { echo "<img style='opacity:0.2;' border=\\"0\\" width='85' height='78' src=\\"./img/skins/$skin.png\\">"; } echo "</a><br /><b><font size='2' color='#555'>$name2</font></b><br /><font size='1'><i>"; if($active == 1){ echo " $cked4"; } else { echo $deactivated; } echo " </i></font></center></td>
?> </tr>