Magento > Dislpay average product rating on rating page?

Hi Guys,

I’m pretty new to magento and l’m working on a theme. I’ve been able to figure out how to do most of the things that l need but one minor thing that l can’t seem to figure out is how to show the average rating of a product on the products page. If anyone can help me with this l’m willing to paypal $5 bucks for a working solution to the first response.

For example l’d like to say:
This product has received an average rating of X out of 5 stars from our customers.

The problem is can’t figure out how to do this.
I’ve been able to pull the # of reviews by using:

$reviewData = Mage::getModel('review/review/summary'); 
echo 'number of reviews: ' . $reviewData->getTotalReviews($_product->getId());

And l’d like to invoke Mage to do the same thing to calculate the average user rating, can anyone with experience help me out with this? I’ve posted (3 times) on the magento forums and haven’t had anyone even bother to look. Anyone’s help here would really help me out! I’m even willing to paypal $5 bucks to the first person that gives me a working solution!