Looking for Wordpress theme with no errors

I am not a developer, I have been using twenties theme on my wordpress blog and its image-resize.php file is facing an error causing error 500 on the website.
Can someone suggest me a wordpress theme which is error free, quick to load and good for blogs.

A wordpress theme is hardly likely to be the cause of a server error. I would try to find out what is causing the error first.


I don’t know anything about your error but if you look for really good theme than check AVADA and THE-7 themes. I like a lot those two and I used them many times already.

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hello friends sorry I did not mention the error earlier if you can help me fix the error that will be greater help

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function _load_image_to_edit_path() in public_html/example.com/wp-content/themes/wpex-twenties/functions/image-resizer.php on line 98

Does this page help any?

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it does define the function but it also says that

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

should I copy this code of entire function and paste it in the image-resizer.php

If you do copy the function there will most likely create another error because PHP functions can only be declared once.

To overcome this problem, try inserting the following script into:

If you are not sure where to insert the script then best to insert at the top of the file as shown:

File: public_html/example.com/wp-content/themes/wpex-twenties/functions/image-resizer.php

/* =================================================
      make sure function is ONLY called once
================================================== */
<?php // first line

if( ! function_exists('_load_image_to_edit_path') ):
    function _load_image_to_edit_path( $attachment_id, $size = 'full' ) {
    $filepath = get_attached_file( $attachment_id );
    if ( $filepath && file_exists( $filepath ) ) {
        if ( 'full' != $size && ( $data = image_get_intermediate_size( $attachment_id, $size ) ) ) {
             * Filter the path to the current image.
             * The filter is evaluated for all image sizes except 'full'.
             * @since 3.1.0
             * @param string $path          Path to the current image.
             * @param string $attachment_id Attachment ID.
             * @param string $size          Size of the image.
            $filepath = apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit_filesystempath', path_join( dirname( $filepath ), $data['file'] ), $attachment_id, $size );
    } elseif ( function_exists( 'fopen' ) && function_exists( 'ini_get' ) && true == ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) {
         * Filter the image URL if not in the local filesystem.
         * The filter is only evaluated if fopen is enabled on the server.
         * @since 3.1.0
         * @param string $image_url     Current image URL.
         * @param string $attachment_id Attachment ID.
         * @param string $size          Size of the image.
        $filepath = apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit_attachmenturl', wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ), $attachment_id, $size );
     * Filter the returned path or URL of the current image.
     * @since 2.9.0
     * @param string|bool $filepath      File path or URL to current image, or false.
     * @param string      $attachment_id Attachment ID.
     * @param string      $size          Size of the image.
    return apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit_path', $filepath, $attachment_id, $size );
    }// endif function  _load_image_to_edit_path(...)
endif;//endif funcion_exists(...)

Don’t forget to keep a copy of the original file before modifications.
Please note I do not have WordPress installed and have not tested the modifications.

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should I place this in image resizer.php or functions.php here is image-resizer.php code

 * Automatically crop, resize and save featured images
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Twenties WPExplorer Theme
 * @since Twenties 1.0

// Change default crop location in WordPress
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpex_img_crop_location' ) ) {
	function wpex_img_crop_location( $payload, $orig_w, $orig_h, $dest_w, $dest_h, $crop ){
	// Change this to a conditional that decides whether you 
	// want to override the defaults for this image or not.
	if( false ) {
		return $payload;

	if ( $crop ) {
		// crop the largest possible portion of the original image that we can size to $dest_w x $dest_h
		$aspect_ratio = $orig_w / $orig_h;
		$new_w = min($dest_w, $orig_w);
		$new_h = min($dest_h, $orig_h);

		if ( !$new_w ) {
			$new_w = intval($new_h * $aspect_ratio);

		if ( !$new_h ) {
			$new_h = intval($new_w / $aspect_ratio);

		$size_ratio = max($new_w / $orig_w, $new_h / $orig_h);

		$crop_w = round($new_w / $size_ratio);
		$crop_h = round($new_h / $size_ratio);

		// Crop images in the middle horizontally
		$s_x = floor( ($orig_w - $crop_w) / 2 );

		// Crop to the top vertically
		if ( 'top' == get_theme_mod( 'wpex_img_crop_location', 'top' ) ) {
			$s_y = 0;

		// Crop to the center vertically
		} elseif ( 'middle' == get_theme_mod( 'wpex_img_crop_location', 'top' ) ) {
			$s_y = floor( ($orig_h - $crop_h) / 2 );

	} else {
		// don't crop, just resize using $dest_w x $dest_h as a maximum bounding box
		$crop_w = $orig_w;
		$crop_h = $orig_h;
		$s_x = 0;
		$s_y = 0;

		list( $new_w, $new_h ) = wp_constrain_dimensions( $orig_w, $orig_h, $dest_w, $dest_h );

	// if the resulting image would be the same size or larger we don't want to resize it
	if ( $new_w >= $orig_w && $new_h >= $orig_h )
		return false;

	// the return array matches the parameters to imagecopyresampled()
	// int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int src_w, int src_h
	return array( 0, 0, (int) $s_x, (int) $s_y, (int) $new_w, (int) $new_h, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h );

add_filter( 'image_resize_dimensions', 'wpex_img_crop_location', 10, 6 );

// Resizer Script
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpex_img_resize' ) ) {
	function wpex_img_resize( $url, $dest_w, $dest_h = null, $crop = null, $return = 'url' ) {
		//validate inputs
		if (!$url OR !$dest_w ) {
			return false;
		//define upload path & dir
		$upload_info = wp_upload_dir();
		$upload_dir = $upload_info['basedir'];
		$upload_url = $upload_info['baseurl'];
		//check if $img_url is local
		if (strpos( $url, $upload_url ) === false ) {
			return false;
		//define path of image
		$rel_path = str_replace( $upload_url, '', $url);
		$src = $upload_dir . $rel_path;
		//check if img path exists, and is an image indeed
		if ( !file_exists($src) OR !getimagesize($src) ) {
			$src = _load_image_to_edit_path( $src, 'full' );
			if ( ! $src ) {
				return false;
		//get image info
		$info = pathinfo($src);
		$ext = $info['extension'];
		list( $orig_w, $orig_h ) = getimagesize($src);
		//get image size after cropping
		$dims = image_resize_dimensions( $orig_w, $orig_h, $dest_w, $dest_h, $crop );
		$dst_w = $dims[4];
		$dst_h = $dims[5];
		//use this to check if cropped image already exists, so we can return that instead
		$suffix = "{$dst_w}x{$dst_h}";
		$dst_rel_path = str_replace( '.'.$ext, '', $rel_path);
		$destfilename = "{$upload_dir}{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
		//can't resize, so return original url
		if ( !$dst_h ) {
			$img_url = $url;
			$dst_w = $orig_w;
			$dst_h = $orig_h;

		//else check if cache exists
		elseif ( file_exists($destfilename) && getimagesize( $destfilename) ) {
			$img_url = "{$upload_url}{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";

		//else, we resize the image and return the new resized image url
		else {
			// Note: This pre-3.5 fallback check will edited out in subsequent version
			if ( function_exists( 'wp_get_image_editor' ) ) {
				$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $src );

				// Resize Image
				$src = $editor->resize( $dest_w, $dest_h, $crop );
				// Return nothing if there is an error
				if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) || is_wp_error( $src ) ) {
					return false;
				// Save the resized file
				$resized_file = $editor->save();
				// If there isn't an error return the new image url
				if (!is_wp_error($resized_file)) {
					$resized_rel_path = str_replace( $upload_dir, '', $resized_file['path']);
					$img_url = $upload_url . $resized_rel_path;

				// If there is an error return nothing
				else {
					return false;
		//return the image url
		$image = $img_url;
		// RETINA Support - Added by WPExplorer --------------------------------------------------------------->
		if ( get_theme_mod( 'wpex_retina' ) ) {
			$retina_w = $dst_w*2;
			$retina_h = $dst_h*2;
			//get image size after cropping
			$dims_x2 = image_resize_dimensions($orig_w, $orig_h, $retina_w, $retina_h, $crop);
			$dst_x2_w = $dims_x2[4];
			$dst_x2_h = $dims_x2[5];
			// If possible lets make the @2x image
			if($dst_x2_h) {
				//@2x image url
				$destfilename = "{$upload_dir}{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}@2x.{$ext}";
				//check if retina image exists
				if(file_exists($destfilename) && getimagesize($destfilename)) {	
					// already exists, do nothing
				} else {
					// doesnt exist, lets create it
					$editor = wp_get_image_editor($src);
					if ( ! is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
						$editor->resize( $retina_w, $retina_h, $crop );
						$editor->set_quality( 100 );
						$filename = $editor->generate_filename( $dst_w . 'x' . $dst_h . '@2x'  );
						$editor = $editor->save($filename);	
		// Return image --------------------------------------------------------------->
		if ( 'url' == $return ) {
			return $image;
		} elseif ( 'array' == $return ) {
			return array(
				'url'		=> $image,
				'width'		=> $dst_w,
				'height'	=> $dst_h

I would be tempted to try image-resizer.php first and if that does not work then try functions.php

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It might be a good idea to name it something like my_load_image_to_edit_path to avoid possible collision. Other than that it looks like the rest could be identical without any problem.

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Thank you John and Mittineague I will give it a try and reply soon :smile:
I have commented the code for till I upload your changes


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