Looking for list of Social Bookmarking Sites with DF Backlinks and PR1 or more

Well, if you and other members don’t wanna share, I’ll share what I got from other sources:

Like I said in first post, high PR NF are good as long as the BL is visible in internet:

FB Pages

I’ll build this link and share for the welfare of fellas and my records…

PS: There maybe corrections later after further research and review. I’ll keep adding.

According to my research, social bookmarking sites like pligg been dying due to web spam.

I never said good content is not needed… BUT a fresh site with good content won’t pull traffic from Google or anywhere else. DIY experiment and you’ll agree with me.

I’m an SEO guy, I see, observe and analyse things that way. I gave an advise which I believe is good, backed by Google. It’s up to you guys whether you wanna follow it or not…

It’s kool if you don’t wanna change your policies.
