Iam looking for advanced application design interferring between struts and tiles in large proeject would contains at least 150+ form with different specfications …
using inhertiance in Tiles so that body only would be change ( but tiles doesnt provide easy way so that i can create only one page foreach form ! or at least i didnt experience it yet )
how i best practise for struts actions ? should i add higher-layer controller to manage modules or something ? i wanna get something like :
whereas bla is a module contains sub modules and each sub module has its own form !
the problem, i know each unit how it works and wat should it does, when and where … but how to put all together to make such an application design … juz need something to organize my mind
What exactly are you looking for? Are you trying to dynamically have all your forms built, displayed, and then handled when submitted?
With tiles and JSP I’m fairly certain that you will require a different JSP for each form. However, if you try and build your forms dynamically, you might be able to get away with only one page, but that one page will have some serious code behind it.
Breaking your actions up into modules isn’t a bad idea, but couldn’t you just use packages to handle that. E.g.: com.yourcompany.actions.account, com.yourcompany.actions.user, etc…
If this is a new project then I would try to avoid using Struts. While Struts is probably most used mvc framework in Java world, it does not mean it’s the suggested MVC framework to use today. Unless you’re really tight in deadline, I suggest using Spring Web Flow. If you’re very MVC savvy then Seam is definitely very good framework but learning curve will be higher.
I’ve used Struts before and faced with same challenges. Let’s just say if you use Spring Web Flow (Not Spring MVC!!!), your issues are already solved. If you’re brave enough than you can use JSF 2.0 but I’d stay away. Not that I know anything about JSF 2.0 but JSF 1.X was bit horrendous to me.
So, if you STILL want to use Struts then let me know and I’ll post another one… Seriously, if this is a new project than STAY AWAY FROM STRUTS!!!