List Circle Being Cut Off In IE7

If you go to this page, in Firefox looks great, but in IE7 the circles get cut any ideas why and also I’d like to shift them over a tad to line up with the title nicely



Hi, the probnlem is is that you apply 12px left/right margins on the <ul>, however the default is 16px and that’s how much room the bullet needs to fully show. Increasing the margin will allow IE to have enough room to show it. Also, you don’t set the padding to 0 for the <ul> and as a result, browsers that use padding to space it will get 16px padding space + (now) 16px left margin. 32px spacing.

.entry ul, .entry ol{margin:3px 16px;padding:0;}

Also, you might want to think about using a reset in your page :slight_smile:

Thanks Ryan!!!

What exactly do you mean by reseting the site?





Or a smaller reset like

Trim it down to whta you need :slight_smile:

Excellent thanks!!!

One other issue now if you look at this page…

Scroll down and the list circle dots are not aligned properly with the content but the list circle dots that arent filled in are, how can I fix this?



I don’t see any list circle dots “filled in” :).

All the list circles are not filled in. Did you fix this already?