Libararies & frameworks, help

Hi All,

I’ve dived into learning php, still learning basics.

I understand conceptually what php libraries and frameworks are & some fo the benefits, but I dont know how they relate to a fininshed website.

Also, what is a library, is it one of the folders within the framework? Why are they called libraries?

Also, lets say I use codeignitor to create a dynamic site, and I have code in each of the “libraries”, what do I do with my code once complete?

Does one simply cut and paste the code from the libraries to my webserver, or does special software exist that I have to upload to my webserver?

Im a Gen X noob so be gentle…



Different web applications have different purposes but all of them share certain core features and functionalities. If you have built a couple of websites, you must have sensed that you keep coding certain features over and over again across all of your websites. That’s where frameworks come in. A framework provides these common features nicely bundled together in a single package (user management, site administration, user authentication, database libraries, MVC structure, menu and navigation management, session management etc.). Now when you are building a new website, you don’t have to reinvent the whole things. You just have to add specific features you need. Quicker. Easier.