<legend> and IE8

I have not even looked in IE7 and 6. I know there are many ways that can lead us to Rome and I hope there is one as well from the narrow street I’m in right now. The legend I’m using is looking good in all browsers but in IE8 it is nearly the entire font size lower. I tried some techniques mentioned on the internet:

* html #middle fieldset{
    position: relative;

#middle fieldset legend {
	padding: 0 10px;
	font-size: 115%;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #FFF;	

* html #middle fieldset legend {
	position: absolute;
	top: -any number of px/em;	

But that isn’t working. Is there another way of doing this? I tried it with negative margins and paddings as well without result.

Thank you all in advance

See if this page helps you:

The legend is often wrapped in a span to assist moving it around.

Solved: It was working when I added a negative top margin to the legend in the html, which I obvious not wanted for various reasons, one was of course that that influenced the position in the other browsers and the other for validation reasons. So I ended up having a conditional ie stylesheet just for a legend!

If someone still has another solution, please feel free to post it.