Learning from the basics

Hello everyone,

As javascript and their libraries rises i’m going to give it a shoot, could you guys point me on the right direction to learn javascript then jQuery? Videos like lynda? e-books? sites? the best ones for you! the rights methods?

I learned html/css from e-books but i got so many bad ones, i think you guys with more experience could give names so i could start in the right way…

Thank you!

For basic JavaScript…

Eloquent JavaScript is a free e-book “providing an introduction to the JavaScript programming language and programming in general.”

[s]Code Academy[/s] “Codecademy” gets a lot of good press.

If you only got one physical book on the subject, you’d be hard-pressed to find one better than Douglas Crockford’s [i]JavaScript: The Good Parts[/i]. (And if you can’t/don’t want to get the book, at the very least [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQVTIJBZook]watch his Google talk.)

You might also want to look over this question on Stack Overflow: Best resources to learn JavaScript

Not much on jQuery in my response, but there you go :confused:

There are some really good javascript online tutes at tizag

First learn JavaScript to an intermediate level than jQuery. Learning jQuery before JavaScript in its simplest form will not provide a means of stepping past the beginner (configuration) stage. More important than that though is learning programming fundamentals which can be applied to any language.

I got away for some time gus, sorry.

I wanted to thank you for all the indications.