Learn building directories

I am getting into building directories. Although i first used React i am now using Next. Next seemed to be the best option SEO and SOTA wise. Also the deployment is really easy and fast to setup with vercel. This makes the building barrier really low.

So i built sustainabilitysoftwares dot com to get used to building directories. It is a selection of software solutions (or their enablers like webhosting) which contribute in some way to sustainability.

I would love to get some feedback and know how i can improve the directory. Looking forward to every input!

Looks good (very “minty”) and is responsive and quick. The search works well I find and I can’t see many things wrong with it.

One glaring issue though is your domain name. The plural form of “software” is “software” and not “softwares”. Other than that, nothing really stands out as being wrong.

Nice work and I wish you luck on your mission.

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