Latest book you've read

I’ve just finished “Step by Step: the life in my journeys” by Simon Reeve. I don’t often read autobiography, but I really like Simon Reeve as a journalist and TV presenter, so I bought this on a whim when I saw it in a bookshop a couple of months ago.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It is full of interesting tales of his journeys, as one might expect, but also explores the journey of his own life, and his battles with depression and anxiety in his youth. Very well written, with some good insights.


I love spiritual, business and ghost books
I have just finished reading 3 spiritual books in this week
amazing books
there is one more book I have to finish in next two day before start reading business books next week

so here are some spiritual book I have finished:

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living by Dalai Lama XIV and Howard C. Cutler

(Fake signature removed by gandalf458)

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I might have read that - I’ve certainly read at least one book of that name, but I seem to recall there is more than one.

Over the weekend I’ve done “A brush with death” by Quintin Jardine, and “You were gone” by Tim Weaver, both very good in different ways. They’re also series books, I’ve just about finished my pile of random books now so have moved on to the ones I was saving. Next is either John Grisham or James Oswald, not sure yet.

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I’ve just finished “Cold as the grave” by James Oswald, having polished off “The Guardians” by John Grisham earlier in the week. Slightly relaxed lock-down rules mean that I’ve not had so much time to read as I did a week or two back.


I seem to have less time in lock-down than out of it, so I’ve not done any more reading than usual. shifty_suspect

I’ve just finished “The Brass Bottle” by F. Anstey (Thomas Anstey Guthrie). It’s a humorous fantasy novel first published in 1900 about a young man who buys a brass jar at auction and inadvertently releases a Jinnee from 3,000 years incarceration. The Jinnee is suitably grateful, and sets out to reward the young man, but all his efforts are so over-the-top that they cause endless problems and mayhem.

It’s very much of its day, and uses some terms for other races which are now recognised as unacceptable, but other than that, it’s good light reading.


I read the Chronicles of Narnia to my children.


Time Management Guide, it was a good book and it helps a lot:)

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I read “The Shout” by Stephen Leather a few days ago. A bit of a departure (he normally writes about an undercover cop / agent character) this was chiefly about a firefighter injured in the line of duty and reassigned to fire investigation. I could see the end coming a bit away, but it was a decent enough book.


The Game by Neil Strauss. Some read it because they want to learn the manipulative tricks, but I had involved with the PUA community for a while and tired of that stuff. Just wanna read to get the background for his later book “The Truth”, which is supposed to be a good book about relationship (according to the guy introduced the book to me). However, The Game is a surprisingly interesting book though.

I have just finished ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrne. Life changing book.

I’ve just finished “The Deepest Grave” by Harry Bingham, a decent police fiction book with a nice turn of humour about it.

I have read recently book is Rich dad, poor dad

^ I read some of that, the ideas are reasonably interesting.

I’ve just finished “Carver” by Tom Cain, a tale of a paid assassin and a financier.

I’ve just finished “What Has Government Done to Our Money?” by Murray Rothbard. Very interesting book that provides a reflection on what money is and what it should be.

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I’ve just finished “Endangered” by CJ Box. I like the stuff this author does, a series about a US Game Warden, regardless of what’s happening it always paints a nice picture of the great outdoors.


Since we are facing the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to stay positive. So keeping this thought in mind I have recently read the book named - The Secrets.

I’ve recently finished “Grave Importance”, the third (and, it seems, final) book in Vivian Shaw’s series about Greta Helsing, physician to monsters and the undead. They’re well-written and good fun.

This particular book started with a mystery illness affecting mummies. I was amused to learn that many mummies work in IT, because they can work from home and avoid awkward questions about their appearance. When I read the description of a mummy in New York sitting coding, while also checking Slack and a forum, I found myself wondering just how old some of our members really are … lol


Just finished “Perfect Storm” by Arne Weinz recently released in Swedish. It’s the first in a series of four volumes describing devastating civil wars in Western European democracies starting with Sweden.

Next part is titled “Landet Som Ingen Ägde” (The Country Nobody Owned) that I’ll finish later today.

It’s an unrealistic fiction series that extrapolates events that could never happen, of course. :thinking:

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“The Madness of Crowds” by Douglas Murray, tries to explains much of what I find disturbing in today’s society. :thinking:

It happens to be in Swedish (lend it from my wife), but I think I found one more favorite author. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My most recent completion is “Fair Warning” by Michael Connelly. I always enjoy his stuff, and although this isn’t one of the Harry Bosch series, it was good.

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