Last post of the day. why do i have a margin at the top of the page?
very top of the home page (others too)
there is a 50px worth of space. Can’t find where it comes from.
chrome “Inspect element” didn’t point anything out.
there seems to be not extra padding or margin that wold do this that I can find.
Can anyone please tell me what I am missing?


I can’t see any top margin when viewing the page in the latest Chrome or FireFox.
Did you maybe get this fixed?

If I have missed something, could you point out in a bit more detail how I can see what you are talking about.

I’ll be darned. it is fixed. ok. :smiley: never mind!
on the other hand just looked at this page on IE and it sucks! Always something!
Thank you Pullo (and if you have any IE advice please feel free to pass it on)

actually here it is.
right above the pre header!

No margin in my browser. What browser are you using?

wow…that is really interesting Ralph.
no top extra margin in ff. but yes in chrome.
IE is currently disastrous but no top extra margin there either.

Staying with the top margin, this is what I see in Chrome.
There is a gap between the heading “Engineering Services” and the main text. Is this what you mean?

hi Pullo, it’s kinda weird the gap in chrome is now visible on the home page, on my own laptop…go figure, it seems to show up on some pages/browser but not always? Here is a screenshoot it is a 50px magin over the pre header.


Does the margin (white space?) show up at all window widths?

(your image has not been approved, yet).

hey ron. The top margin is actually the background image showing up. basically the gap shows the background image and displays the preheader and header about 50px below the top border of the browser window.

I don’t want to leave you hanging, Sherpa, but I cannot replicate the top margin problem in Chrome on my PC.

Your HTML is still in need of a good validation housecleaning; the “modal” code is still below the close body and close html tags; there is still a horizontal padding problem in the right end of #preHeader; and the horizontal scrollbar is still with us. It is not an encouraging situation.

Regarding the top margin issue, trying to fix bad HTML with CSS is counterproductive at best. At least with good HTML, we can be almost certain that it’s a css problem or a browser bug. Right now, the cause is less certain.

About validation, every error flag isn’t something that needs to be fixed. Identifying the real problems and fixing them IS important, though, and shouldn’t be dismissed because a few less important errors are flagged.

Please take the validation challenge seriously. You can’t possibly lose, and you will definitely fix the “modal” problem in IE. :slight_smile:


No prob RonPat, and thank you for trying actually.
Good point on the html I will try fo fix as many of the errors that came up trough the validator and then check in. wish me luck!

Don’t hesitate to ask if you need help with any of the validation flags.

Here are a couple of hints to help you get started:

The following 2 commented out lines are flagging an error because browsers treat two consecutive hyphens/dashes as potential comment marks. I like to defeat nested comment marks by adding an “x” between the dashes. The “x” tends to be easy to see.
(The first example is malformed, the second is “fixed”.)

	<!--  link rel="stylesheet" href="<!--?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" -->
	<!--  link rel="stylesheet" href="<!--?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/css/bootstrap.min.css" -->

	<!--  link rel="stylesheet" href="<!-[color=blue]x[/color]-?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" -->
	<!--  link rel="stylesheet" href="<!-[color=blue]x[/color]-?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/css/bootstrap.min.css" -->

The following error is interesting. Note that the IE conditional tags are malformed. As a result, the close head tag </head> is being commented out! An HTML5 compliant browser will ignore that error, but non-compliant browsers will not.
(The first example is malformed, the second is correct.)

[color=red]<!-- [if lt IE 9]>[/color]
<script src=""></script>
[color=red]<!-- [endif]>[/color]

</head> <!-- end head -->    <!-- This /head tag is being commented out -->

[color=blue]<!--[if lt IE 9]>[/color]
<script src=""></script>

</head> <!-- end head -->

Good Luck, Sherpa!

Look forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the advice RonPat. Will follow up and check back in on this one on the weekend!
have a great week