Just cant get Google fonts to work :-(

Hi from cloudy no longer sunny York UK,

i font understand why my google fonts i added is not showing, here is the link:

Thing is i just wanted to practice adding https://fonts.google.com to a web page. I’m using JS fiddle as the platform but my font just doesnt show :frowning:

Have i cocked up the code in some way,


Looks like the font-family css is incorrect.

According to Google it should be;

font-family: 'Cutive-Mono', monospace;

You’ll need to apply it to the p element - see updated fiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/dsm0jsm7/1/.

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Close, it should have a space:-

font-family: 'Cutive Mono', monospace;

Edit It’s just that you used a more sensible fall-back font.
Though in the context of debugging, the serif fall-back makes sense.



Grazie mille :slight_smile: It all works now:

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