<div id='gallery-1' class='gallery galleryid-249 gallery-columns-9 gallery-size-thumbnail'><dl class='gallery-item'>
<dt class='gallery-icon'>
<a href='http://tendliving.com/beta/test-gallery/art-glass-web-ready-1-of-54/' title='art glass web ready (1 of 54)'><img width="150" height="150" src="http://tendliving.com/beta/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/art-glass-web-ready-1-of-54-150x150.jpg" class="attachment-thumbnail" alt="art glass web ready (1 of 54)" title="art glass web ready (1 of 54)" /></a>
It is having no impact though. It is a WordPress site and my page is at http://tendliving.com/beta/test-gallery/ (to view user and pass are both"test"). Any help is really appreciated!
Looks like you left off a closing parentheses at the end of the .ready();
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
}[COLOR=#ff0000]);[/COLOR] //make sure you close of the .ready() method here
I’ll also add that using definition lists (<dl>) in this manner would probably be wrong tag to use from a semantics point of view, especially if you’re not using the description part and using one <dl> per gallery item. (See http://www.maxdesign.com.au/articles/definition/ for more info on definition lists :-)).
It would probably be better to use an unordered list to markup the gallery images, e.g.
Of course if this is all generated code via a wordpress plugin or something like that, you might not be able to modify the markup without modifying the plugin, (unless it has templates you can define of course).
Is there a particular reason you’re trying to wrap a table around your gallery anyway? What are you trying to achieve? (There might be easier / better ways…)
Wow thanks John! That was it. I don’t use JQuery that much directly so I am always nervous - it looks like I ALMOST had it - thanks for spotting the omission. You are right about it being generated content - in this case it is coming from the output of the WordPress “[gallery]” shortcode. I am using a table because I am trying to force a horizontal scroll - rather than having the images wrap. Obviously I am still not there yet but this gets me closer.
Are you trying to achieve a horizontal scroll on the entire page or just 1 section? Both of these can be done with just a few lines of CSS, no JavaScript (or tables) required