Joomla Help!

Ok So We are currently editing a Joomla template. We want to integrate Jquery lightbox into the thumbnail images on this page. The code that generates the thumbnail images are

<?php foreach($this->files as $file) echo $file;?>

. Whenever you upload an image it is automatically placed into the gallery below. So far we were successful at creating and integrating the jquery lightbox into Joomla but then whenever you click on the image the lightbox would appear but nothing would show. I am guessing it couldn’t locate the image. My question is how can I tell PHP or Joomla to located the image and have it working with the lightbox?

I suspect the problem is with jQuery and Mootools conflict in your page because both libraries are loaded there. So put following code just below the jQuery core file include:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

And $j everywhere instead of $ in jQuery’s code below.

Hello Marcellpurham,
What you done is correct once click on that image you’ll get only image without any content the problem is in your link & jquery / javascript, could you tell me please which joomla plugin using, else ask i’ll give very good thick / lightbox plugin for you
Thank you