I’m totally new to this whole website building thing, whats taken me forever would probably have taken someone in the know just a morning to complete. That being said I’m quite happy with how it looks! I’ve used an online checker to check for dead links / 404 pages and its come back with 5 issues. I don’t suppose anyone could have a look and suggest how I fix them. I’d also be grateful of any other advice in ways I could improve the site.
It’s going to be hard for us to help you fix 5 specific issues if you don’t… tell us what the issues were?
We’re good, but we’re not psychics.
Sorry i’m having issues with the screenshot side of things.
[999 Non-standard](javascript:httperrorcode(129);) https://www.linkedin.com/in/overdriveevents/ [Linkedin](https://overdriveevents.com/)
[403 Forbidden](javascript:httperrorcode(33);) https://overdriveevents.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd [link/href](https://overdriveevents.com/)
[404 Not Found](javascript:httperrorcode(36);) https://overdriveevents.com/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/pro/images/times-solid-white.svg
[403 Forbidden](javascript:httperrorcode(33);) https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up
I wouldnt worry about the linkedin one, thats probably the site blacklisting the link checker’s robot. The URL works (or at least, redirects me to the login page for linkedin)
Similarly, the cloudflare one is likely the site blocking the checker’s robot. It works for me.
The other two are ones to be concerned about, because they’re links to your own site.
The 403 is something for you to take up with Cloudflare; I am getting blocked from it also.
The 404 is a missing SVG file. Your CSS is linking to an image that doesnt exist.
The cloudflare one is a little confusing as I use 123 reg to host my site, I doin’t ever remember having anything to do with cloudflare.
The missing svg file is the one that drives me mad, its something to do with my wp form. The only wp form is use is my contact form. Any idea how I would search my site to find where the link or whatever it is might be, so I can delete it?