Issue with my Tab Slider

Hi Guys,

Having some issues with my tab slider on the site.

It simply doesnt work but if I just use the slider itself it works like I constructed it then put it into the page but it doesn’t work now for some reason. As well as my arrow doesnt show up but it did when it was isolated and not put into the page.

Here is the page…

Please let me know what is going on and how I can fix it to work.



Looking at the page, it’s not clear what you are expecting to happen, or how this is meant to work. Is it using jQuery? I notice that you have two links to jQuery in the source code, which can make your scripts stop working, so that’s worth sorting out, either way.

I took out the extra jQuery still doesnt work. What its suppose to do is say you click on The Fresh Feed in the tab slider it has new image and theres suppose to be an arrow that indicates where you are but its not working at all, but works fine outside of when I put it into the website.

Here it is not in the website, same code just outside the site…

Cool, it’s good to have a working example. :slight_smile: The first thing I notice is that you have some jQuery scripts on your page (including the one in question) above the actual library link. Make sure the library link sits above any other scripts that need to call upon it. Otherwise they can’t function.

Perfect!!! Works great now, working in Wordpress I totally forgot should put my jQuery scripts in the footer rather than the header.

Cool, glad it was that easy. :slight_smile: It’s fine to put them in the head, too, but not before the link to the library. Still, I prefer to put them just before the </body> tag anyway. It does seem to help the page load more quickly.