I’m asking in this forums, since for some reason i’m not able to post or reply to forum post on magentos site, i have contacted them regarding that issue multiple times and have not heard from them. Anyways, i’ having an issue with a theme that i have . my issue is that the header on the homepage of the site is exactly the way i need it, but when you click on say the about us page the header is not showing up correctly. I customized the header.phtml file to float the logo over the slideshow on the home page,but when you view it on the other pages it is dropping below the navigation bar. I added the logo code in its own div for the homepage, when viewing the source for the other pages that div is not showing up. its like on the other pages it is pulling the logo out of that div and stripping that code out. I have looked and looked to try and find what would be causing that and i havent found anything. If anybody can shed some light on this i would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance
you can view the temp site here http://www.creativefly.com/dev/fineash
Creative Fly