Thanks to advice that I read here, I changed every “&” character in my pages’ URLs to “&” and my pages now validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Even though they validate, for every page that has URLs that contain the “&” character, the W3C validator makes the following comment once for each URL:
Line 147, column 120: character “&” is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data
Is this due to a validator limitation issue, or is there some way that I can “fix” those URLs (even more) to avoid getting those comments from the validator?
Can we see a link or some sample code that’s giving you these errors?
Just click on my home page link in my sig and then click on the W3C XHTML 1.0 icon in the left column.
This doesn’t look right does it; line: 147:
make them all ¬ &.
I thought I HAD changed all of those & characters to & !!!
When I first got those validator comments yesterday, I searched my code over and over for & characters.
Today, I read your reply over and over, studying the code that you quoted, but I still didn’t see them. :xeye:
Then, as I was in the middle of replying to you that I don’t understand what you’re saying,
I suddenly saw the & characters that I hadn’t changed to & !!! :goof: