Is it possible to make a CSS gallery with category selection

Im wondering what would be the best option when it comes to making a basic gallery that allows me to show a category of images based on the selection of the user.

Say for example I have 4 different catigories say People, Places, Trees, Building. In each of these I would like to dispay up to 18 different images all held within a single section of a site.

What would be the best approach? PHP? Javascript?

I use php with MySQL but it could be just as easily done without the database; but by saving certain data to the database then deleting it from the photo I can cut down on my photo file size. This is my current method

I am just changing my site to a different design but again I will be using php and MySQL.

Using MySQL can be useful for sorting the images etc. but most of the data is in the EXIF section of the image and can be retraved with php - that is where I get my database information before deleting it from the photo.

I suppose you could use css sprites and move the part of the sprite you want into focus depending on the subject matter.

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