Professional Marketers,
I would like to ask if it is illegal to track visitors of third parties.
Meaning, if I track your website visitors without your awareness but with the awareness of your visitors who allow me to track them, then would that be illegal in any way or form ?
Imagine, I dropped you an email with any of the 2 messages like these:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have noticed that one of our members HAD visited your website.
Would you like to:
View which of your webpages they visited (in order to understand what they were searching for);
Contact them to ask them what they were searching for. And, possibly make them better offers if you find they have not made any orders to you;
Checking their footprints on your site may reveal to you if this was a customer lead or a competition keeping tabs on your pages and their products.
If it was a potential customer then you can make them offers.
If it was a competition then you can learn which of your products are being targeted by your fierce competition and maybe make amends on your packages to make them more attractive over your competitions.
We cannot guarantee that, they have not made any purchase yet to one of your competitions.
We are able to supply you with all the links of your site our member visited.
Supply of each link would cost you only $0.10USD.
We are able to forward your marketing message to our member. Each 10 line message would cost you only $10USD.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have noticed that one of our members ARE CURRENTLY visiting your website.
Now, before they hit the BACK button or EXIT your website to go over to your COMPETITIONS, would you like to:
View which of your webpages they visited and ARE CURRENTLY visiting (in order to understand what they were searching for);
Contact them to ask them what they ARE searching for. And, possibly make them better offers.
Checking their footprints on your site may reveal to you if this was a customer lead or a competition keeping tabs on your pages and their products.
If it was a potential customer then you can make them offers.
If it was a competition then you can learn which of your products are being targeted by your fierce competition and maybe make amends on your packages to make them more attractive over your competitions.
We are able to provide you with a popup that will help you TRAIL them LIVE from each of your webpages for monitoring purposes.
We are able to supply you with all the links of your site our member visited.
Supply of each link would cost you only $0.10USD.
We will enable you to message your marketing message to our member LIVE RIGHT THIS INSTANT while our member is STILL in their BUYING MOOD (with their credit card in their hands) before they exit your site to headover to your competitions.
Each 5 line LIVE message would cost you only $20USD.
Now, from a business/website point of view, does this message and it’s leads providing message seem appealing to you or not ? I reckon it would. But that is just me thinking.
Don’t ask me:
- Which of my members would allow me to monitor their internet surfing like that.
- Technically, how would I perform the monitoring.
The answers to these questions are my trade secret.
I just need you to provide me your opinion from a business/website/marketer’s point of view.
Imagine, I run a Social Network and/or a searchengine that provides you with this service.
A. Would you spend more time on these Social Networks and searchengines (you are currently using) or would you rather spend that time over at my site to hunt for customer leads ?
B. How much time each day would you spend on a site like this that helps you fish for customer leads ?
C. How many days of the week would you spend on a site like this that helps you fish for customer leads ?
D. A site that provides a service like this. Do you reckon it would defeat all the following top sites in the world ?
E. Anything else I need to know ?
PS - I am not wasting your time asking irrelevant questions.
I am serious. I have a few new online ideas that revolves around hunting for leads in unique ways. No good programming the php scripts to run the ventures if the public won’t use the services. Hence, the research here.
The tracking & monitoring would be done with the permission of my members. No spyware.
PPS - Anybody would like to partner in this venture ? If so, you will have to contribute on the coding alongside me.
Thank You