Internet a Good friend and Bad enemy

I want to know that now a days many people use Internet so Is really Internet is our friend or our bad enemy…Because every good thing also contain bad thing…

Like everything in life, there’s a positive side and a negative side. It really depends on how you use it. Internet by itself is neither good or bad

Hi. I also agree .Internet has its good & also bad side.If you use it in your good than it s good.

It is own decision . what’s our needs? —Good friend or Bad enemy …


It depends how you are using internet, Internet is like a dagger you can do both good or bad with it.

If You will use it for positive purpose then it is your good friend otherwise it is your enemy.

Pros and cons are attached with every aspect of life. It depends on us and our will power, if we use it in a good way or a bad way. Internet helps in a lot of ways as we can search for info with just a click, where as getting too addicted to it for some bad things,makes it our enemy.

I think internet is good if you use it as a good purpose. Now a days internet is the powerful technique.You can get any type of information through net. So we should use it for good things.

Internet has a wide range of influence and its still growing. Many people using this technology in different ways to benefit them and there are some using this connection to perform illegal activities.

Its not the question that what it is, friend or enemy. The question is how you are treating it. Like a friend or an enemy.

it’s depend on person how use it.internet is good or bad side.

it all depends on the purpose of the use. if you are using it for good purpose its good and vice versa.

Internet is good for update your knowledge. If you use unnecessarily then it’s not good.

Things are getting a bit repetitive, so I guess all has been said. Thank you all for contributing.
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