I’m sorry if i’m on the wrong website or even subforum, but I can’t seem to find a community about discussion board.
I’m looking for an “intellectual forum” if anyone is aware of any.
Hi danieldimichel welcome to the forum
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure of what you’re asking.
A “community about discussion board” suggests to me that you’re looking for a forum that discusses a discussion board [sic forum] application.
As for “intellectual forum”, I’m guessing you are looking for a forum application that somehow enforces, or at least guides its members behavior to be, or perhaps has members that are, “intellectual”.
Or I could be totally out in left field. Please rephrase your question or elaborate on it a bit more.
Thanks for replying
I’m looking for an “intellectual” community website.
I’m not looking for a forum application.
“Intellectual” in what sense? What areas / subjects are you wishing to discuss?
I read that as a “philosophical topics” forums website where the members are discussing anything meta and work think hard to avoid any solution or to embrace all of them.
I think you will find communities like that at https://stackexchange.com/
I think you could find more sites if you narrow down to more specific areas of interest.
Another kind of communities can be found in the comment sections at sites that publish articles or topics and allow people to discuss what they think in that regard. Intellectual discussions appears in many places, but there will also be trolls to disrupt good threads.
There are sites that allows guests to post yet handles trolls effectively, like e.g. https://www.techdirt.com and https://www.schneier.com,
and those who don’t do either, like e.g. https://slashdot.org,
and those where you can sort out the best comments, like e.g. https://arstechnica.com/.
Ok, I guess I strayed off a little, but I couldn’t find any dedicated intellectual online forums.
Thanks, that is some help.
Because a forum can not be intellectual, I am assuming you don’t mean a forum that discusses intellectualism, but a forum comprised of members that are intellectual. (eg. no “emotional” posts?)
At risk of revealing the extent of my ignorance in general, my definition of the word “intellectual” is vague.
How would you define intellectual as it applies to the context of a forum?
Something intellectual:
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