I want to integrate Stripe with MaxMind but here https://github.com/maxmind/minfraud-api-php/blob/master/README.md it needs first 6 digits and BIN info, I submitted a feature request to Stripe to return such info in card object, but may be they decline or may be not much soon, so what do you advice to integrate Stripe with MaxMind?
You have already linked to a page that has an example on it of how to integrate these so you shouldn’t need anyone else to make any changes in order to get it to work.
You didn’t get my point!
'issuer_id_number' => '323132',
'last_4_digits' => '7643',
'bank_name' => 'Bank of No Hope',
'bank_phone_country_code' => '1',
'bank_phone_number' => '800-342-1232',
'avs_result' => 'Y',
'cvv_result' => 'N',
Stripe does not return 6 first digits and bank info, so those data will not be available to us to pass them to MaxMind, I know they are optional, but Stripe declined my feature request to return them!
I assume you use Stripes JavaScript solution to handle the payments?
If you want to run Maxmind for fraud detection first, you will need to switch to their API solution, but keep in mind that if you do that the server you use has to be PCI Compliant (The level depends on the processing amount you do).
Thanks for the advice. please see TrustGuard vs Comodo
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