Installing Vagrant into a sub-folder of "home" (username)

I am doing Jump Start PHP Environment. I cloned to my “home” (username%) directory, as recommended, but saw that folders (like .vagrant.d, .VirtualBox, etc.) were getting written to home level as well and NOT inside the homestead_improved directory as I had expected. Hoping things could live neatly inside a sub-folder of home, I cloned into home/vms, but still got folders written to the root directory. I’m hoping that at least the project folders can be written to vms. That would tidy things up a bit. Things are working fine, however. Can anyone provide insight into consolidating these folders and cleaning up my “home”? Thanks very much! I like it here at SitePoint! DL

Since posting this, I’ve learned something:

By putting the VM (homestead_improved) in a sub-directory of home, I’ve kept a lot of machine (and site) related folders off of my home directory. Imagine if I had two or three more VMs on my pc; I’d have a very “busy” home folder. I’m satisfied with the four (.vagrant.d, .VirtualBox, VirtualBox VMs, and (my subfolder) vms. All’s right with the world. Hello, Vagrant! DL

Wait a minute, I have to re-think this. It’s not like I’ll be running twenty VMs on my computer and the VM related files already live in the vms/homestead_improved folder. I conjecture that the folders residing at home are for the software to run and they must remain there. Great, but could I move homestead_improved up one level (to home) and delete the empty wms directory? That could be scary. I’ll wait for someone to answer. Thx again.

I place everything in a work space vm directory.


Example of a vm named stan.


The profile folder contains individual vm profiles.
The box folder contains the synced directory.

I find this makes it easy to organize multiple vms.

Thanks for your reply, oddz!

I don’t think I specified that I’m on a windows (10) machine. Would you please translate your paths based on a users home folder? My username is david. I currently have david/vms/homestead_improved as a path to the virtual machines. My next machine will be Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants.



Ok… i’m gettin it: Being new at vms, I’ve been glued to this “windows home folder” install location (per the tutorials). In my 10 years of IT work, I played around with LINUX (the penguin), FreeBSD, and maybe a couple of other implementations, so I have a VERY rudimentary knowledge of UNIX/LINUX… BUT I LOVE IT!! :heart_eyes:

Of this “development environment” stuff, nothing gets written to the windows registry except the Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Git installs , right?

Am I correct in assuming that I can move UNIX-based folders around if I make the necessary changes to configuration files, (like folder mappings in homestead.yaml), or do other things get written into the installation that I am absolutely oblivious to?

Can I simply blow away complete vm folders and start over?

Thanks, DL

Thanks oddz

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