Inserting Checkbox value into mysql db from a form

Good afternoon, I have one checkbox that when submitted in a form it should insert the value 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked intro my mysql db. I’ve tried a few solutions that I’ve found on the web but so far I’ve had no luck. I’m sure I just missed something somewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Here is my form entry:

<input type="checkbox" name="variable_check" id=" variable_check " value="0">

Here is where I attempt to insert the checkbox value into the DB:

$query = "INSERT INTO DB_Table1 SET ";		

if (isset($_GET[' variable_check ']) && ($_GET[' variable_check '] == 0)) { $query .= " variable_check = 0 "; } else { $query .= " variable_check = 1 "; }		
    $query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query);
    if (!$query){
      $result  = 'error';
      $message = 'query error';
    } else {
      $result  = 'success';
      $message = 'query success';

The funny thing about checkboxes is, if you don’t check it, it does not get set. So what you will get is 0 if it’s checked and nothing if not.
I would have value="1" then in the processing check if it is set, something like:-

if(isset($_POST['variable_check'])) { $varcheck = 1; }
else { $varcheck = 0; }

Thank you for getting back so quickly. Unfortunately the value still came up as 0 in the DB. Silly question but what is $varcheck suppose to represent?

just var_dump() it to see whats in there.

Just a variable name I made up to hold a value resulting from the checkbox, which is what you insert into the database. Use whatever name you like.

Did you change the value attribute in the checkbox from “0” to “1”?
Are inserting $varcheck rather than $_POST['variable_check']?

Thanks for the explanation. I have the code set as you had written it and I changed the value to 1 for the checkbox attribute. Now the checkbox is set to checked by default which is fine but when I click to update it still doesn’t show up in the DB.

there is no update statement in your code.

That’s odd, I only see it checked by default if it has the checked attribute.
The value could be anything, since I’m setting the value of $varcheck within a condition based on it being set (which ensures it is clean).

If you run the query from phpmyadmin, does the query itself work, all table and column names spelt correctly, no typos?

Can we assume you have only ONE checkbox input with the name variable_check? If you have more than one you will need to change a few things.
It appears you are using GET to grab posted data. Is your form tag using GET for the method attribute? I recommend using POST on both the form and processing.

Looking at this line of code

 $query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query);

would there be a negative effect of using the same variable name for the result of the query, as you use for the query string itself? That is, does PHP create the result variable before it calls the mysqli_query() function so it’s ready with somewhere to put the return value (in which case the query would not execute due to being blank), or does it not do that until the call returns?

Not for PHP. But it’s bad coding practice since it changes the meaning of $query (SQL string => mysqli_result object)

Ah, OK. I thought it was a bad idea, but wasn’t sure whether it was a terrible one.

Well the main reason it is not working looks to be the spaces you have around your GET KEYS i.e.

$_GET[' variable_check ']

Here’s a “fixed” version that also uses a different sql string variable name.

$sql = "INSERT INTO DB_Table1 SET ";		

if (isset($_GET['variable_check']) && ($_GET['variable_check'] == 0)) { 
	$sql .= " variable_check = 0 "; 
} else { 
	$sql .= " variable_check = 1 "; 
$query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $sql);
if (!$query){
	$result  = 'error';
	$message = 'query error';
} else {
	$result  = 'success';
	$message = 'query success';

I tried your code, thank you for that, but I received an ‘add request failed’ error. I have confirmed that the query is successfully reading the 0 or 1 from the DB and I currently have this code

if (isset($_GET[‘variable_check’]) && $_GET[‘variable_check’] == 0) { $query .= "variable_check= 0 "; } else { $query .= "variable_check= 1 "; }

which will only give me the ‘check’ depending on the ‘else’ statement. In this case it’s checked as it’s set to 1. If I change it to 0 it’s unchecked. It appears it’s not getting the initial variable set for some reason for the checkbox. I’ve different tring variable names but no luck. I appreciate all the assistance but so far i’m still a bit stuck.

Quote the zero in comparison statement .

if (isset($GET['variablecheck']) && $GET['variablecheck'] == "0") { $query .= "variable_check= 0 "; } else {

Guess I am not sure of your reply.
IF for example you echo the query statement, does it show the expected query?
IS it not executing the query?
If that’s the case single quote the insert values.

Also as recommend I would use a different variable name i.e.$sql for the query statement and result.

I also asked before to confirm that you are using GET in your form tag. Also that you only have one input field by this name… Didn’t hear back on that

Hello there,
I read most of the replies and none of them mentioned the following fact:

If a checkbox didn’t ticked off it won’t be sent to the server
And once is sent (ticked off) the specified value is bound to the input field name and will be available to $_GET (or $_POST) array

Now what to do?
First Check if your variable is set, of so, get its value, otherwise use default value (i.e. 0)

$variable_check = isset($_GET['variable_check'])?$_GET['variable_check']:0;

now you can use $variable_check to build your sql query

$sql = "INSERT INTO DB_Table1 SET variable_check = '{$variable_check}';";

Of course it’s not the best practice to build the sql string this way and it’s better to use parameters instead as you need to make a lot of sanitizing to your variable before you embedding or concatenating it

Hope it helps

True but you notice he is not using the GET value in the query. Only in his IF condition used in building the query.

1 Like

I apologize for any confusion with this issue. Every suggestion seems like it should work but the fact that they aren’t is incredibly frustrating. I’ll post each file I’m using in it’s entirety to hopefully help see what I’ve done (and done wrong). There are 3 in total (not including the CSS file) 2 are php and 1 is a js script. The site works very similarly to this one as I’ve tailored this one to my needs. I hope this helps.


// Database details
$db_server   = 'localhost';
$db_username = 'root';
$db_password = '#######';
$db_name     = 'mydb';
// Get job (and id)
$job = '';
$id  = '';
if (isset($_GET['job'])){
  $job = $_GET['job'];
  if ($job == 'get_records' 	||
      $job == 'get_record'   	||
      $job == 'add_record'   	||
      $job == 'edit_record' 
	  )	{
    if (isset($_GET['id'])){
      $id = $_GET['id'];
      if (!is_numeric($id)){
        $id = '';
  } else {
    $job = '';
// Prepare array
$mysql_data = array();
// Valid job found
if ($job != ''){
  // Connect to database
  $db_connection = mysqli_connect($db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
  if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
    $result  = 'error';
    $message = 'Failed to connect to database: ' . mysqli_connect_error();
    $job     = '';
  // Execute job
  if ($job == 'get_records'){
    // Get records
    $query = "SELECT * FROM DB_Table1 ORDER BY var_1";
    $query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query);
    if (!$query){
      $result  = 'error';
      $message = 'query error';
    } else {
      $result  = 'success';
      $message = 'query success';
      while ($record = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
        $functions  = '<div class="function_buttons"><ul>';
        $functions .= '<li class="function_edit"><a data-id="'   		. $record['HEADID'] . '" data-name="' . $record['var_1'] . '"><span>Edit</span></a></li>';
        $functions .= '</ul></div>';
        $mysql_data[] = array(
          "var_1"      		=> $record['var_1'],
          "var_2"  			=> $record['var_2'],
          "variable_check " => $record['variable_check'],		  		  
          "functions"     	=> $functions
  } elseif ($job == 'get_record'){
    // Get record
    if ($id == ''){
      $result  = 'error';
      $message = 'id missing';
    } else {
      $query = "SELECT * FROM DB_Table1  WHERE HEADID = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $id) . "'";
      $query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query); 
      if (!$query){
        $result  = 'error';
        $message = 'query error';
      } else {
        $result  = 'success';
        $message = 'query success';
        while ($record = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
          $mysql_data[] = array(
          	"var_1"  			=> $record['var_1'],	
            "var_2"          	=> $record['var_2'],
			"variable_check "  	=> $record['variable_check '],					
  } elseif ($job == 'add_record'){
    // Add record
    $query = "INSERT INTO DB_Table1  SET ";		
    if (isset($_GET['var_1'])) 				{ $query .= "var_1 = '" 	. mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['var_1'])	. "', "; }
    if (isset($_GET['var_2']))         		{ $query .= "var_2 = '" 	. mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['var_2']) . "', "; }
	if (isset($_GET['variable_check ']) && $_GET['variable_check '] == 'on') { $query .= "variable_check  = 1 "; } else { $query .= "variable_check  = 0 "; }

    $query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query);
    if (!$query){
      $result  = 'error';
      $message = 'query error';
    } else {
      $result  = 'success';
      $message = 'query success';
  } elseif ($job == 'edit_record'){
    // Edit record
    if ($id == ''){
      $result  = 'error';
      $message = 'id missing';
    } else {
      $query = "UPDATE DB_Table1  SET ";	
    if (isset($_GET['var_1'])) 				{ $query .= "var_1 = '" 	. mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['var_1'])	. "', "; }
    if (isset($_GET['var_2']))         		{ $query .= "var_2 = '" 	. mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['var_2']) . "', "; }										
	if (isset($_GET['variable_check ']) && $_GET['variable_check '] == 0) { $query .= "variable_check  = 0 "; } else { $query .= "variable_check  = 1 "; }
      $query .= "WHERE HEADID = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $id) . "'";
      $query  = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query);
      if (!$query){
        $result  = 'error';
        $message = 'query error';
      } else {
        $result  = 'success';
        $message = 'query success';
  // Close database connection
// Prepare data
$data = array(
  "result"  => $result,
  "message" => $message,
  "data"    => $mysql_data
// Convert PHP array to JSON array
ini_set('memory_limit', '500M');
$json_data = json_encode($data);
print $json_data;


  // On page load: datatable
  var table_records = $('#table_records').dataTable({
    "ajax": "data.php?job=get_records",
    "columns": [
      { "data": "var_1" },
      { "data": "variable_check" },
      { "data": "var_2" },
      { "data": "functions",      "sClass": "functions" }
    "aoColumnDefs": [
      { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [-1] }
    "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"]],
    "oLanguage": {
      "oPaginate": {
        "sFirst":       " ",
        "sPrevious":    " ",
        "sNext":        " ",
        "sLast":        " ",
      "sLengthMenu":    "Records per page: _MENU_",
      "sInfo":          "Total of _TOTAL_ records (showing _START_ to _END_)",
      "sInfoFiltered":  "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)"
  var form_record = $('#form_record');

  // Show message
  function show_message(message_text, message_type){
    $('#message').html('<p>' + message_text + '</p>').attr('class', message_type);
    if (typeof timeout_message !== 'undefined'){
    timeout_message = setTimeout(function(){
    }, 8000);
  // Hide message
  function hide_message(){
    $('#message').html('').attr('class', '');

  // Show loading message
  function show_loading_message(){
  // Hide loading message
  function hide_loading_message(){
  // Show lightbox
  function show_lightbox(){
  // Hide lightbox
  function hide_lightbox(){
  // Lightbox background
  $(document).on('click', '.lightbox_bg', function(){
  // Lightbox close button
  $(document).on('click', '.lightbox_close', function(){
  // Escape keyboard key
    if (e.keyCode == 27){
  // Hide iPad keyboard
  function hide_ipad_keyboard(){

  // Add Record button
  $(document).on('click', '#add_record', function(e){
    $('.lightbox_content h2').text('New Record');
    $('#form_record button').text('Add New Record');
    $('#form_record').attr('class', 'form add');
    $('#form_record').attr('data-id', '');
    $('#form_record .field_container label.error').hide();
    $('#form_record .field_container').removeClass('valid').removeClass('error');

    $('#form_record #var_2').val('');
    $('#form_record #var_1').val('');
    $('#form_record #variable_check').val('');	


  // Add Record submit form
  $(document).on('submit', '#form_record.add', function(e){
    // Validate form
    if (form_record.valid() == true){
      // Send Record information to database
      var form_data = $('#form_record').serialize();
      var request   = $.ajax({
        url:          'data.php?job=add_record',
        cache:        false,
        data:         form_data,
        dataType:     'json',
        contentType:  'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        type:         'get'
        if (output.result == 'success'){
          // Reload datatable
            var customer_name = $('#var_1').val();
            show_message("Record '" + var_1 + "' added successfully.", 'success');
          }, true);
        } else {
          show_message('Add request failed', 'error');
      });, textStatus){
        show_message('Add request failed: ' + textStatus, 'error');

  // Edit Record button
  $(document).on('click', '.function_edit a', function(e){
    // Get Record information from database
    var id      = $(this).data('id');
    var request = $.ajax({
      url:          'data.php?job=get_record',
      cache:        false,
      data:         'id=' + id,
      dataType:     'json',
      contentType:  'application/json; charset=utf-8',
      type:         'get'
      if (output.result == 'success'){
	    ([0].variable_check == "1") ? $("#form_record #variable_check").prop('checked', true) : $("#form_record #variable_check").prop('checked', false); // check for 1
        $('.lightbox_content h2').text('Edit Record');
        $('#form_record button').text('Update Record');
        $('#form_record').attr('class', 'form edit');
        $('#form_record').attr('data-id', id);
        $('#form_record .field_container label.error').hide();
        $('#form_record .field_container').removeClass('valid').removeClass('error');

        $('#form_record #var_2').val([0].var_2);		
        $('#form_record #var_1').val([0].var_1);
        $('#form_record #variable_check').val([0].variable_check);				

      } else {
        show_message('Information request failed', 'error');
    });, textStatus){
      show_message('Information request failed: ' + textStatus, 'error');
  // Edit Record submit form
  $(document).on('submit', '#form_record.edit', function(e){
    // Validate form
    if (form_record.valid() == true){
      // Send Record information to database
      var id        = $('#form_record').attr('data-id');
      var form_data = $('#form_record').serialize();
      var request   = $.ajax({
        url:          'data.php?job=edit_record&id=' + id,
        cache:        false,
        data:         form_data,
        dataType:     'json',
        contentType:  'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        type:         'get'

        if (output.result == 'success'){
          // Reload datatable
            var customer_name = $('#var_1').val();
            show_message("Record '" + var_1 + "' edited/added successfully.", 'success');
          }, true);
        } else {
          show_message('Edit request failed', 'error');
      });, textStatus){
        show_message('Edit request failed: ' + textStatus, 'error');





<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
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    <div id="page_container">
  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  <td width="40%"><h1>Record Information
    </h1>  </td>
  <td width="53%"></td>
  <td width="2%">&nbsp;</td>
  <td width="5%"></td>
      <button type="button" class="button" id="add_record">Add Record (Blank)</button>
      <table class="datatable" id="table_records">
            <th>Variable 1</th>
            <th>Variable 2</th>
            <th>Variable Check</th>
    <div class="lightbox_bg"></div>
    <div class="lightbox_container">
      <div class="lightbox_close"></div>
      <div class="lightbox_content">
       	<h2>ADD RECORD</h2>
        <form class="form add" id="form_record" data-id="" novalidate>
          <div class="input_container">
            <label for="var_1">Variable 1: <span class="required">*</span></label>
            <div class="field_container">
              <input type="text" class="text" name="var_1" id="var_1" value="">
          <div class="input_container">
            <label for="var_2">Variable 2: <span class="required">*</span></label>
            <div class="field_container">
              <input type="text" class="text" name="var_2" id="var_2" value="">
            <div class="input_container">
			  <label for="variable_check">Variable Check:</label>
			<div class="field_container">
              <!-- don't have required -->
	  		  <input type="checkbox" name="variable_check" id="variable_check" value="1">
          <div class="button_container">
            <button type="submit">Add Blank Record</button>
    <noscript id="noscript_container">
      <div id="noscript" class="error">
        <p>JavaScript support is needed to use this page.</p>
    <div id="message_container">
      <div id="message" class="success">
        <p>This is a success message.</p>
    <div id="loading_container">
      <div id="loading_container2">
        <div id="loading_container3">
          <div id="loading_container4">
            Loading, please wait...


In this code

if (isset($_GET['variable_check ']) && $_GET['variable_check '] == 'on') { $query .= "variable_check  = 1 "; } else { $query .= "variable_check  = 0 "; }
                               ^ here                   and ^ here

does the space on the end of the $_GET field name cause a problem? @Drummin mentioned it would be a problem in post #14.