Increasing the portion according to dynamic text

I want to increase the portion of my left text in green and right text in cyan at according to dynamic text.
The matter of trouble is that, it do not work as the command i given.
May be there are some other command.


It would be much easier to diagnose the problem if you could post the relevant parts of your HTML output and the CSS being applied to it.

To get your code to show on the forum, please use three backticks (usually top-left key next to the number 1) both before and after your code.

You need to be clear in what you asking here as removing the 10% from right and left divs but leaving the middle to 100% will do what you want. However the right and left divs will only be as wide as a one word because you have set the middle to take up most of the space.

If you don’'t want the text at right and left to wrap then you need to set white-space:nowrap on both left and right divs.

Of course this begs the question as to what will happen when there is a lot of text and what do you expect to happen?

Without real context or a real idea of the desired outcome its hard to offer more than guesses at the moment.:slight_smile:

It would also be a good idea to give the surrounding parent div a display of table and set it to 100% wide.

A similar question was asked here a few months ago. In fact it looks like the same question!

Please clarify?


Thanks a lot, sir!
That was same as my question.

Discussion continued here - Writing the txt both vertically and horizentally centered