Incorrect key error message

good evening

I don’t understand this error because my secret key is correct.

Can you help me?

Your system’s clock is out of sync by about 2 minutes, meaning its generated timestamp is invalid for the token.

I would assume Clerk tries to generate a token, fails and gets redirected because the token’s out of scope, tries again, fails again, ad infinitum until it generates the error.

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Thank you for your response and what should I do to make it work?

The solution is the screenshot you posted: make sure your system’s clock is set to the current time

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it works but now I have another error message when I am on the page and it indicates no problem on the console in vscode

I only have this with chrome

I receive this message now

ethereum is defined as a const, and something is trying to assign a value to it. Which you cant do to a const.

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but it works with iExplorer and not Chrome, is that normal?

IExplorer? The browser that was mothballed years ago?