Image showing up on page load for a second

Hi all, basically having trouble in what the Thread title says. Not too sure if it’s a CSS issue though. It’s basically a scroll to top button, in a fixed position that appears for a second while the page loads. I’m using 2 seperate script tags for 2 types of scroll, a scroll down the page and a scroll back to top. I don’t know anything about javascript/jquery so not sure if that’s causing the issue…

Here’s a link -

Thanks for any help.


just looked at your page in Chrome.
It seems fine to me. Did you get this sorted, or am I missing something?

Hi sorry mate, I changed it a few hours ago, didn’t really seem to get much help about it, here or on other forums, and I want to get the site up and running tomorrow. I just changed the code (used a different scroll to top sample I found online), seems to be working pretty good now.

It was just annoying on the other one that it appeared for a second while the page was loading, and I don’t know why.

Thanks for looking anyway.


What was happening in your last example most likely was the image was being hidden with javascript. It took a second for the js to load so that’s why the delay. Often you can just say display none in your css. The javascript will often bring it back into view when called. If you need the opposite, meaning you want it there with js on but gone with js off then you need to implement one of these methods.


Thank you for following up with this poster about his question. Turns out that I’ve asked this same question twice in the JavaScript forum and received no response once and one over-my-head response with no clarification offered. I think the link that you posted nails it for me. Thank you very, very much.
