Image heavy page load time techniques

I have been asked to build a website that is going to be massively image heavy, every page will have either a big stretchy background image or some sort of big image gallery, they may even want the it to be a one page website. So I was wondering apart from compressing the images down as much as possible and minifying code what other techniques could I employ to make page load time faster?


on one of my sites I had a page that had one hundred 500px images in a photo gallery. I took a picture of the gallery and linked to it and I put the gallery in a outside page that is called when clicked (via fancybox). That way the initial page loads quick and if they want to see the images they will expect a slight delay.

Thanks sounds like a plan, would you host the images on somewhere like imgur?

Also I have also seen a few websites use Ajax to load content, it’s a bit out of my comfort zone coding wise, but do you think that would work for multiple images on a page?