I know I did this a while back but for the life of me I can’t find the post here or the site I did it on. I was something about a background image set behind CSS drop down menus allowed you to put a margin between the drop down list items and IE wouldn’t close the list if the cursor hit that margin.
Yes you can apply a background colour to the parent ul that holds the dropdown and that usually stops the menu from flicking off between the list item gaps.
If you can’t use a background color then use a fake gif trick.
ul {background:url(fake.gif) no-repeat -1px -1px}
The image doesn’t actually have to exist but to avoid missing images in your server log just make a 1px x 1px fully transparent gif instead.
Hi, I believe hte problem is you set a 1px bottom margin on the <li>'s and upon hovering of that you are hovering upon the actual content of hte page and as a result the hover is lost
ul#navigation ul.inner li
If you need that 1px bottom margin (what I mean is, if you need that color that gets shown through) then add it as part of an image and place it upon the <li>'s
It’s not that a big deal though and I like the look better without that whitish there
Hi, untested, but it probably just needs a top coordinate set :). You should also make the hover set left:0 instead of auto (it can screw up the alignment in browsers (IE) since they have to guess where to place it and placement can be influenced via stuff like text-align
ul#navigation li {
float: left;
[color=red]position:relative;[/color][color=blue]/*Set stacking context for Ap submenu*/[/color]
background-image: url(images/fake.gif);
ul.inner {
position: absolute;
left: -2999em;
[color=red]top:100%;[/color][color=blue]/*set it 100% of the way down the li*/[/color]
list-style: none;
z-index: 100;
ul#navigation li:hover ul.inner, ul#navigation li.sfhover ul.inner {
left: [color=red]0[/color];[color=blue]/*safer*/[/color]