This time it is going to @J_in_Calgary; for the calibre of her amazing reviews. Check this example out. Thanks J, for the time and effort you put into giving feedback to others. It is appreciated and hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Yay! Congratulations, J in Calgary!
Yes, congratulations J in Calgary. You’ve been bringing the reviews forum alive with all your contributions. It’s fantastic to see, so thanks very much. Very impressive and much appreciated.
Congratulations Jamie, certainly it was one of the more well thought out reviews I have seen lately and have fun with your new book, whichever SP title you choose.
Congratulations, and thank you for taking the time to make such helpful contributions.
We can see changes the OP incorporated into their design based on what you said Jamie, so very nice review and great demonstration of what a site review can be. Keep up the great contributions!
Wow! Thank you! I appreciate the nice comments, I’m really excited about the e-book, and it’s not every day you get a shout-out from a galactic overlord, so this is all-around great news today
Thanks for offering this community for site designers! I’m so glad I found it.