If you had the chance to start your career over again

If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Nice question!

I’d have been more patient with a few clients.

I’d have started working for myself sooner, and I’d have worked out a “Daily Cost of Doing Business” and a “Daily Cost of Living” years ago and charged accordingly (I’ve only recently realised I’ve been undercharging for years, and tracking my expenses showed me that).

I’d have set hours for myself sooner, and avoided many unnecessary nights of staying up working.

I will certainly go to University of Medicine :slight_smile:

i would have bought a ~boatload~ of recognizable single-word domain names when there were plenty of them available

I would do it wrong again.

I think I would now go into rocket science or brain surgery instead :slight_smile:

Holy cow. For real!

How true. Not the same way, but wrong again for sure :smiley:

Do something I could say I’d do differently now.

I will be in the finance field instead of I.T.

Go to college.

Pfff! So many things that I would do differently… I think that I don’t want to think about this :lol:

No. I will go for accounting again. Honestly when I was on high school I really want to take up medicine but my mom wants me to pursue her dreams to be an accountant. I dont want my course. I have someone to take exams for me, i cut classes, late and absences, go to university even im drunk (the guard didnt notice it). But when I enrolled in a review class for CPA board exams, I realize that this career is great !! lots of opportunities… so i got to love my career !! im enjoying my work…and it helps me with my finances not only on my business but in daily life.

If I could go back, I would have liked to be a little selfish and prioritised my career!

I’ve thought about this question so many times before :slight_smile: If I could go back, I would have started working when I was 18 (instead of going out all the time with my friends). I didn’t really start trying with my career until I was 24. Not only would I have started earlier, but I would have worked much harder as well. I also wish I could have started my online ventures in the mid to late 90’s, back when a lot of great domains were still available. I’m still happy to be in my current position, but going back and starting over will always be the dream :slight_smile: