If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

:eek2: Thinking of immortality, I imagine the immortals from the Highlander. If you didn’t have to fight for survival too, that would be pretty cool. :goof:



I guess I want to have transforming power.

I’d love to have Luck like Longshot.

I don’t think you’d need any other power after that.

I’d like to have subatomic-telekinesis. With that I can move anything, create anything, morph into anything, expand/shrink in size, grow millions of limbs, fly, go through walls, read minds, heal instantly, live forever, move at the speed of light, teleport, do intergalactic travel, control gravity, etc…

Off Topic:

lol Uncle Bob i like the lil penguin in the hat :rofl:


Tough to pick just one… But I guess I would opt for flying.

telekinesis. It should be so powerful that i can lift, move and push huge objects.

The ability to make anyone laugh so hard, that chocolate milk would come out of their nose - not just regular milk mind you - that peace on earth would be restored since nobody had time to fight or war cuz they’re all reaching for the tissues to wipe their noses so much…on second thought, I’ll think about it a little more.

I should have clarified, I meant the ability to heal others. And yeah, I’d want to be a healthy immortal. :smiley:

Hmmm … a few people I know have that chocolate milk superpower. That’s why I never drink chocolate milk anymore.

Flying was always a childhood fantasy, but there are already affordable solutions to that end (gyrocopters, fan powered microlites etc).

For me it would be languages. I’d like to understand and be able to communicate in every language in exisence…

Too much like hard work.

I can fly a plane - what I want to do is fly without having to worry about crosswinds, radio calls, bonging airspace, fuel loads, avoiding idiots who don’t look out etc etc. Just… fly.

(and no, gliding doesn’t count)

Tailslide - If you’re looking to fly without radio calls, fuel loads, and idiots, maybe you need the ‘ability to control gravity’ superpower suggested earlier. You could use your gravity powers to fly and to keep “idiots” at bay as well

What you mean I could suddenly increase people’s gravity locally by several hundred percent? …:rofl: Oooh I like that idea!

Ability to move at the speed of light. Woooooohm! :teleport:

Hmm, it’d stink to be immortal. I mean what if your arm was cut off, then you had to live forever without an arm. Or if you were decapitated 9which part of you would be you?) or if you were blown up…and still be alive? :eek:

And one day when the sun gobbles the earth and you are swimming around the inside of the sun, or flying around what was once the galaxy, all alone.

I’d instead like the power to legally create as much money as I wanted.

Mine would be able to do anything nobody else can. Why? Because nobody else can!

That’s very profound - you’d be alone in the cold dark forever… not good at all.