If else syntax issue

if ($product->is_type( 'variable' )) {
	if( $variation_product ->sale_price !=0 ) {
			echo $variation_product ->sale_price;
	}else {
		echo $variation_product ->regular_price;

}else {
	echo wc_price($product->get_price());

This is generating error →

else {
	echo wc_price($product->get_price());

**Parse error** : syntax error, unexpected 'else' (T_ELSE), expecting end of file in **/home3/**

I think we are still in this condition:

if ( *condition* ) {
*code to be executed if condition is true;*
} else {
 <i>code to be executed if condition is false;</i>

Count how many { and how many } you have :slight_smile: . It’s that simple. Figure out where each if / else end, and find the issue :slight_smile: .

Just count your curly brackets. The counts must be equal.

I prefer this formatting structure:

if ($product->is_type( 'variable' ))
  if( $variation_product ->sale_price !=0 )
	echo $variation_product ->sale_price;
  }else {
	echo $variation_product ->regular_price;
  } // end if/else
}else {
  echo wc_price($product->get_price());

This “alternative syntax” is even better:

if ($product->is_type( 'variable' )) :
  if( $variation_product ->sale_price !=0 ) :
    echo $variation_product ->sale_price;

  else :
    echo $variation_product ->regular_price;
  endif; // } }

else :
  echo wc_price($product->get_price());
endif; //}

The additional effort involved saves hours of frustratng debugging :slight_smile:

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Full code →

function wooprice(){
	global $product;
	// 1 Get product varations
	$product_variations = $product->get_available_variations();

	// 2 Get one variation id of a product
	$variation_product_id = $product_variations [0]['variation_id'];

	// 3 Create the product object
	$variation_product = new WC_Product_Variation( $variation_product_id );

	if ($product_variations !=0) {
		if( $variation_product ->sale_price !=0 ) {
				echo $variation_product ->sale_price;
		}else {
			echo $variation_product ->regular_price;
	}else {


Last else is still failing.

Fantastic syntax.

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Why not use it?

Revised function with fred(…)* the Debugger: (not tested)

ini_set('display_errors', '1');

echo wooprice($product);

function wooprice($product)
  $result =  NULL ;

  // global $product;

  // 1 Get product varations
  $product_variations = $product->get_available_variations();

  fred( $product_variations, '$product_variations');
  die; // halt execution

  // 2 Get one variation id of a product
  # $variation_product_id = $product_variations [0]['variation_id'];

  // 3 Create the product object
  # $variation_product = new WC_Product_Variation( $variation_product_id );

  if ($product_variations !=0) : 
    $variation_product_id = $product_variations [0]['variation_id'];
    $variation_product    = new WC_Product_Variation( $variation_product_id );

    if( $variation_product ->sale_price !=0 ) : 
        $result = $variation_product ->sale_price;
    else : 
      $result = $variation_product ->regular_price;
  else :

  return $result;

function fred($val='No $val???', $title='')
  echo '<br><hr><pre style="background-color: yellow: color: red;">' ,$title;
    // var_dump($val);
  echo '</pre><hr><br>';
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