IE7 Issue

Hello folks! I just finished coding up my site the other day and would like help on a IE7 issue. I’m a graphic designer learning to code, so its probably something simple that I’m missing, but the about section is not floating left like its supposed to be and I’m not sure why. Thanks in advance for taking the time to look at my site.

Awesome, thank you so very much, I really appreciate it, I knew it was something simple.

You have

<div id="about"><img class="bioimg" src="me.jpg" width="49" height="49" /> 
<p>Welcome to, a portal to all things Brandon Charles. I am a 
graphic artist based in Mesa Arizona who is always on the lookout for great 
freelance and networking opportunities. My services include Web Design &amp; 
Development, Branding, Graphic Design and Art Direction. Together we can make 
something beautiful.</p></div>

It is as if the <p> box is starting after the image in IE7. If you move the <img>inside the <p> then the <p> box should be right.

<div id="about">
<p><img class="bioimg" src="me.jpg" width="49" height="49" /> Welcome to, a portal to all things Brandon Charles. I am a 
graphic artist based in Mesa Arizona who is always on the lookout for great 
freelance and networking opportunities. My services include Web Design &amp; 
Development, Branding, Graphic Design and Art Direction. Together we can make 
something beautiful.</p></div>