It seems that in IE6 and 7, only some of the css is taken into account, seemingly randomly leaving rules out of the targeting. I do use child selectors here for instance :
And I am well aware that IE6 does not support them. But there is no reason for them not to work in IE7.
In the accordion, if you look at the css behind the h2 tags, it is supposed to be supported in both IE6 and IE7, and yet it seems to do some rules well (colored background, bold span.twisted) and ignore some others completely (why in hell doesn’t my second span takes an 12px font-size and get absolutely positioned relatively to the h2 ???)
I don’t know if there is a link to it, but, since you’re using html5 and eric’s css reset, you might want to upgrade to v2, since it has smt about html5 elements in it.
The other problem is related to the IE filter and I’m seeing more and more of these problems now that people are using the generators to do transformation.
Any rules after the IE filter is being missed possibly because the filter is malformed.
Adding quotes around the filter seems to fix it in your case and the footer and the h2’s are then corrected.
Thank you Paul. I can’t believe this was the source of all my problems. I’m gonna go ahead and check all my pages to see if it has solved everything. Thanks a lot for the help.
I think I might just go ahead and remove that pesky filter for it’s just cosmetic. IE7 and below users will have to do without.