IE 8 Problem

Thanks for the php tests, Antony. I’ve learned something new today!

I have too, but now I shall need to keep looking at it to see how it all works together

Thanks for your efforts


If you are interested… when one :hovers over the facebook and twitter social media boxes, the page extends a couple of pixels in length. This is caused by the border applied to those boxes on :hover. Delete the border to stop the jumpiness.

Line 478:

.socialboxes:hover {
    background: #000000;
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]border: 1px solid #B3B9BD;[/COLOR]    /* delete this border */


That’s done.

I think that you have enjoyed the challenge !


It’s FUN! And yes, I DO thoroughly enjoy the challenge!


certificates, it looks like the last 3 </div>s have been dropped from the bottom of most pages. (easy to spot because of the misalignment of the tags :slight_smile: That’s why I like indents.).

The pages should end like this:


            <div class="span-24">
                <div id="footer" style="padding:6px; height:15px;">
                    <span style="float:left;">Copyright © Antony Lambert</span>
                    <span style="float:right;"><a href="" target="_blank">The Hurst Pages</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Antony Lambert of C5D</a></span>
        </div>    /* missing */
    </div>    /* missing */
</div>    /* missing */

NOT this:

        <div class="span-24">
            <div id="footer" style="padding:6px; height:15px;">
                <span style="float:left;">Copyright © Antony Lambert</span>
                <span style="float:right;"><a href="" target="_blank">The Hurst Pages</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Antony Lambert of C5D</a></span>

Thanks for that.

I have adjusted it.


Well, you did good, but I did bad. Somehow, I included one too many close divs </div> before the </body> tag. There should be 4, not 5. My bad. Sorry for causing extra work.

When this is corrected, the page will not have any unmatched tags and will validate perfectly, except for the duplicate ids already mentioned, if they matter.

Once again, sorry for the error.