I want to get paid for adding banner ads to my site - what's the best company to use?

CPM is the cost per 1000 impressions. So you would earn 1/1000th of the CPM rate for displaying 1 impression. Simple enough? :slight_smile:

how is CPM advertisers not broke?
a user can access several or even hundred of pages, that would make hundred impressions, am i right?

how much is usually the CPM rate?


google is one of the best fring of a webmasterā€¦ soo m also going to start a program like google 2 the webmasters ā€¦ You can be in touch with me from http://www.cyber-army.org

Usually pretty low lol, thats how they arnā€™t broke

If youā€™re looking for good banner advertising Iā€™m finding AdSense to be the best (over FastClick and ValueClick). The only good part is that the images are much smaller (no large Flash files as of yet) and load so much quicker.

high-payout and reliable: adsense :slight_smile:

Hey I am always looking to place my bannersā€¦

everyone will recommend adsense because it pays what it says.

<Advisor Edit> Self Promotion Removed </edit>

I have had nearly my only success with AdSense and wouldnt recomend anything else. Then again maybe I just havent found whats really good.

Adsense works pretty well for me, but Fastclick has also been good to me in the past, as was www.CasaleMedia.com

Casale pays on time every time and offers professional ads and pretty good ratesā€¦worth a look for sure

i use dsense,but,for me,the erning per month is too low :frowning:

I use adsense and fastclick using them together has worked out great for me :slight_smile: as i get paid per view and click! :slight_smile:

I agree, but I also use combination of casalemedia and fastclick (casalemedia has higher payrate and use fastclick instead of casalemediaā€™s defaults), and then google adsense.

What ads do you guys display in place of the Alternate ad URL?

If you put nothing, then Google will display their public service ads which donā€™t pay anything.

But typically, the Alternate ad URL is shown on pages that either have NONenglish content or have not been spidered.

Do you guys know a good program that would work in ā€œAlternate ad URLā€?

Maybe something that pays per 1000 impressions?

I see many people who keep displaying the ā€˜public service adsā€™ ā€¦but that is such a waste.

any ideas?

I put Google AdSense on one of our sites last month and was very pleased with the revenue it generated. Click-throughs are pretty good because the ads are context-sensitive. Very happy with it.

If you are displaying a standard banner, like the 468x60/728x90/120x600 etc, then you can create a html file with banner from another network, youā€™ll like to put CPM networks perhaps and set it as the default for google.

You might even want to advertise another of your site or even a different part of your site, in this way.

Try FastClick or if there not suitable for you then you may find some others at http://www.affiliateseeking.com

Hope you find what your looking for!

Adsense is the best out there, but I believe in diversity. Putting your eggs in one basket is never a good thing. But definitely, make Adsense your number 1 advertising platformā€¦it pays, its reliable, and its honest. For others try going through this list, you should find something of interest: http://www.internetadsales.com/modules/wfsection/index.php?category=4

Just to clear things up CTR is only the Click Thru Rateā€¦it is not a way of advertising. Meaning, no one will say I will pay you for CTRā€¦advertisers may look at your CTR to get a better idea of what you can provide them but CTR only provides an average percentage of clicks based on the number of impressions. e.g. if you have 1000 ad impressions and 10 people clicked on the ad then you have a CTR of 1%. IAB considers 0.5% and above a healthy CTR

CPM = Cost Per 1000 Impressions
CTR = Click Thru Rate (average click percentage)
CPC = Cost Per Click
PPC = Pay Per Click
CPA = Cost Per Action
CPL = Cost Per Lead
CPS = Cost Per Sale

Best of luck.

CPM rate is usually very low. e.g. $2.00 CPMā€¦so every 1000 impressions is only $2.00 but it benefits high volume websites.

If you have a heavy traffic website then this can actually be very profitable. Some sites receive 1 million page views a day. Now do the numbers on that and you would see that CPM is very profitable and the publishers are not broke. Iā€™ll do the math for youā€¦thatā€™s $2000 a day. Even if you get 1 million page views a month you would have made $2000 a month, and thatā€™s if the rate is as low as $2.00 CPM. Any form of advertising comes down to traffic. Focus on your traffic and get as much traffic as possible and the advertisers will always be there for you.

Id love to know who pays $2.00 CPM.