As of today, through much humiliation, denial and tears, I officially admit that I am a failure as a “designer” and give up design as a career.
Dont give up so easily. Come on, dude!
ha ha ha! dON’T GIVE UP SO EASILY???
I’m 50 years old! The longest I was able to hold on to a job in the last 10 years was 2.5 years! And that’s after I fought to keep it! Then they let me go away! DON’T GIVE UP SO EASILY??? LOL!!!
hmm… sounds bad man.
Do you have another job to go to? damn, you gotta put food on the table in some way.
What are your options? how about house, family, food etc…?
as I have read some of your posts, I’m guessing you’re not 100% sure and are maybe letting out some steam, as loosing your job is really serious.
have you tried everything… as freelancing, your own business, freelancing through elance or rent a coder, bid on projects, look through the phonebook for companies to contact etc… ?
Or if this is seriously so why not make money teaching designing to others?
Design lessons and courses for sale on cd/dvd, build a business around all your experience through all those years in the field.
Teach it to others in evening courses/classes.
Make some courses about design for web, other for desin for print etc… with your experience I guess there is no problem being recognized as an authority in your field, and then build a business around it.
Many people screams to learn what you know about design and the designing business.
Take your good and bad experiences and turn it into something usefull to others who are about to enter this business. help them avoid traps you feel you’ve been falling into, help them recognize valuable project and companies…
As I said before, there is a whole business to build around your experiences in the field, but it’s up to you to start rolling those wheels.
Remember, once you have created some materials, you can sell if for ever, and concentrate about making new ideas and projects…
just some of my thoughts
How sad but I want you to watch this
If I fail, I try again, and again, and again.. " Nick Vujicic
And let me know the feeling after you watch this.
isn’t this like the 3rd thread you’ve started with this wailing?
there’s no shame in making a career decision based on an honest assessment of your capabilities
but please stop whining
cecille20!!! That guys actually popped into my head this morning! I don’t believe it!
r937 you are right. I post too much on this subject. I am sorry.
Crazybanana yes it is bad. As for freelance, I lack the personality or drive to be successful. Fortunately, my sig other has a very good job so we are safe for now.
Teaching is an option. But I am not sure. My self esteem is at a healthy low as it should be. There is no use in thinking I am something when in fact I am not.
I guess time will tell.
its sad to learn buddy.
You might not be something great in design, I have seen you struggle over the years AD, but you might find your calling yet in a totally different area and then can apply what you do know as a side thing that might propel you in unexpected ways.
Heads up and good luck to you
I think it is sad. I have read plenty of your threads so I get an idea (even if remote) about what you’ve been through.
It is Ok to take a decission when it is reasoned and made with a cold head. You will need to reconsider if you’re took it when you felt low (as it seems that you feel now).
There are a few questions that you need to ask yourself such as:
- Do I like what I do or is it just OK, or do I hate it?
- What are my strong points?
- Can I make enough for a decen living?
- What are my week points and where do I need to improve?
- Where did I do an error?
- If I like it but I honestly know (and be objective about it) that I am not “talented” enough to do this job… what other options do I have related to the same feel so I can still do something I love, and not simply leave everything I learnt (with so much effort) behind?
- What are my goals?
- What else do I need to reach them?
It is not a question of age, although I quite understand that your self-esteem may not be at its highest and you may feel “old” to start over. It is also a question of knowing what you want and where you want to go and the, which is not easy, how to get there.
If you don’t want to be a lead designer but you want to stay in the field, you may want to consider to create your own company and find good and reliable people to subcontract the work to, as an example.
Thanks everyone. And t hanks Molona. Yes, I have struggled through the years. The heart breaking thing is, I was much worse at everything else I have tried in my life. I really thought I found my calling! That’s what hearts so bad. I guess I was wrong. To answer your questions:
I thought I was good. But since I have experienced so much dissatisfied clients over the years, I am starting to hate it!
To be honest? I don’t even know anymore. My resume looks good but once they meet me I don’t get hired. Or if they hire me they usually don’t keep me.
This field of design is the only decent money I have made. Wait, are you giving me this list for my next career choice?
My week points are my stress and temper. That has always been my downfall.
One last thing. I always think to myself that it’s going to be different on the next job; that it will work out. But it always ends up the same. I always think, okay, if this time it doesn’t work out I will get out… But I never do. Well now I have to!
Take a management class or do a short course in project management. Though you believe you are not a good designer you have the experience nonetheless and you understand design. So taking a course where this experience will help you will benefit you. Project management is much needed in a lot of tech/creative companies where your experience in design will play well.
Put a positive spin on it and create your future.
No, I am giving you a few questions for thought because decissions should be made maily with a cold head, and not only with the heart. Obviously, how you feel is important (hence I asked if you still loved your job. It would be absurd to be working in something that you didn’t matter anymore). Yet, feelings should only be taken into consideration, and not the reason to take a decission that will drastically change your life.
So, based on your comments
You still love your work even if feel frustrated by the lack of results
Compared to other jobs, this field seemed to be the most profitable
You have a good resumé
You know that you have a quick temper and feel stressed easily
You feel frustrated by the lack of results
You feel frustrated with your customers or people that work around you
You don’t understand why you can’t get hired (or contracted)
You don’t understand why your customers felt disatisfied
You don’t know your strong points
You get stressed easily and have a quick temper
Now, this is how you see yourself, it should be obvious that the way you see yourself is not the way that others see you. You should ask people that you think will tell you the truth what they think about you and take it as a constructive criticism. I can tell you how I see you by the way you behave in the forums.
But, right now, my very personal and humble opinion is that your main issue is your behaviour and strong character, and has nothing to do with your talent or abilities to do the job.
If that’s the case, you should need to find a way to control your temper (practice some kind of sport everyday, if you don’t already, and take a course to help you control your frustration, and some anti-stress activity such as Yoga).
Probably, if you stress yourself easily, you will look to others as grumpy and moody, even if you are not really in a bad mood. That may scare them away.
Conclusion: you haven’t failed, you should still do your work but you need to address your “attitude” problems, if any
So do something about it, go to anger management classes and the such.
Try Reiki
no, seriously… bad temper is not good whatever you are doing for a living. Why not try to deal with it, as mentioned above… but of course you first have to admit it to yourself…
I think that deep, deep inside you secretly love Reiki
Now the question is how to deal with the total depression and despair of losing a career?
I would go back in time and find again what interested me, what made me forget time. Usually people have several areas that interest them, so latch onto the past and try to build there. You must find something that makes you really happy while you are doing it. But you are the only person who can tell what that is.
Make a list of things and write down the reasons why you like this or that. Then delve deeper into the new/old subject matters and find out if there is not a spark that can be fanned into a flame
I can’t say that I know you, because all I’ve seen is your posts on here but I’ve read enough of them to say that you’ve been dealing with depression (and other issues) way before this all came about.
No matter what new career that you pick, if you don’t deal with your underlying anger management and depression issues you’re going to end up right back where you are.
Trust me, I’ve been there.