I have to convert this to a slider

Padding is on a child of artcur still based on --slide-across value all the containers of the slide that are visible are unable to take equal spaces last one us having a compromised protion.

100% + 1px border is bigger than 100%. Use box-sizing to contain padding and borders within the overall dimensions.

.artcur {
  flex: 0 0 calc((100%) / var(--slides-across));
  border: 1px solid red;
  align-items: center;
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But this doesn’t work →

.oslider {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  gap: 20px;

Box sizing Property does not incorporate Gap Property?

Slightly reworked example…

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That wasn’t in your original. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the gap property doesn’t get accounted for in the box-sizing rule so you would have to do it manually as shown by @snadyleiby above.

You could automate it a bit by using a custom property for the gap so that you don’t forget when you change it.

e.g. In the codepen from @snadyleiby

Add these extra rules:

root {
.oslider div { 
   flex: 0 0 calc(100% / var( --slides-across ) - var(--gap) );
   gap: var(--gap);

I’ve only shown the changes,


Thank you for your excellent suggestion for improvement.
I have edited the codepen with your coding.


You’re welcome :wink:

I was also thinking you could probably lose that left and right margin and do something like.

--gap: calc(var(--slides-across) - 1) * var(--flex-gap) / var(--slides-across);

and then use:

flex: 0 0 calc(100% / var(--slides-across) - var(--gap));

But maybe that complicates it too much :slight_smile:

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For example, if the gap is 20px and there are 4 visible div then actually the gaps are taking only 60px space and not 80px space. That modified ode does that took this into account?

Yes that’s exactly what my last post achieves. :slight_smile:

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I’ve added it to your page but I removed the silly extra-contain divs as they are not needed and complicate the html unnecessarily.


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