Dear friends, I have financial business websites, 7 to 8 articles are posted daily. I need more visitors then , which techniques should i adopt . please help me , can i go for Guest blogging or more link building techniques.
Either of the two techniques are good but you have to make sure you are on the right track. Avoid spamming or avoid making some black hat SEO on your site. I suggest you do it one step at a time. while you do your guest blogging find time to also build backlinks to your site. One thing more… post some blog comments and directory submissions are good. I do it once in a while.
SMO will help and use quality relevant links for linkbuilding, If you are starting with SMO then it will increase your visitors and make good reputation on the web.
Are you utilizing any social networks to get traffic?
Guest blogging is great but beware of the black hat SEO as someone else mentioned and be forewarned that many blogs won’t accept guest posts that don’t follow Google’s guidelines on “no follow”.
I think you’re on the right track and I’d be utilizing social media as a traffic generating technique.
SMO is the best technique to reach larger audience in a short time to our website,but you have try other off page submission also which will help you better traffic results.
you need to start both strategies like: social media and quality link building according to Google Penguin/ Hummingbird Algorithms.
Your both the ideas are good of doing SMO and guest blogging for your website, by doing SMO you will drive more traffic to your website that will give a great advantage to be more popular in the world and about guest blogging that will help you to generate good backlinks .I will suggest you to do this activities parallel for your website.
Your news need to be spread with as much as more people online. And for that you should engaged as much as possible peoples, especially via social media. This would be the best way to optimize your news website.
You can also build links for your news website but it need to be developed ethically. Otherwise you know all monkey peoples…
As the replies all seem to be in agreement, and the OP has apparently lost interest, I think it’s time to close this thread.
Thanks to all who contributed.