I have been trying to show approved,pending and completed date in my project how do i proceed

This is my code for updating approved,pending and completed. How do i add time for pending,approved and completed? Approved on 19/05/2020, rejected on 19/05/2020 and so?

$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root", "","registration");

        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') {
            $stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE proposals
                                        department = ?,
                                        status = ?
                                    WHERE id = ?
            $stmt->bind_param('ssi',  $_POST['department'], $_POST['status'],  $_POST['id']);

if (!isset($_GET['id']) || trim($_GET['id'])=='') {
    header("Location: ");
$res = $conn->prepare("SELECT id
                            , details
                            , location
                            , date
                            , time
                            , checkbox
                            , injured
                            , agegender
                            , contact
                            , empid
                            , dept
                            , organization
                            , summary
                            , image
                            , outcome
                            , cause
                            , action
                            , reportedname
                            , position
                            , organisation
                            , reportedcontact
                            , reporteddept
                            , status                       
                            , department
                       FROM proposals
                       WHERE id = ?
$res->bind_param('i', $_GET['id']);

//  status-dependent processing
$buttons = "<div class='data'>
            <button name='status' style='background-color:deepskyblue; border-radius:10px; cursor:pointer; font-size:20px;' value='$status'>Update</button> 
switch ($status)  {
    case 'approved':
        $cls1 = '"';
        $buttons = "<div class='data'>
            <button name='status' style='background-color:deepskyblue; border-radius:10px; cursor:pointer; font-size:20px;' value='completed'>Complete</button> 
    case 'completed':
         $buttons = "<div class='data'>
            <button name='status' style='background-color:deepskyblue; border-radius:10px; cursor:pointer; font-size:20px; display:none;' value='completed'>Completed</button> 
         case 'rejected':
        $cls1 = 'class="w3-pale-green data"';
        $buttons = "<div class='data'>
            <button name='status' style='background-color:deepskyblue; border-radius:10px; cursor:pointer; font-size:20px;'  value='$status' disabled>Update</button> 
        case 'pending':
        $cls1 = 'class="w3-dark-gray data"';
<html lang = "en">
    <meta charset = "UTF-8" />
  <body><button onclick="myFunction()">Print</button>

function myFunction() {
    <h1>Proposal Form No : <?php echo $id ?></h1>
    <form method='POST' id='formId'>
    <input type='hidden' name='id' value='<?=$id?>'>
        <legend>NearMiss Proposal</legend>
          <b style="font-size:17px; color:black; position: absolute; top:130px;">Details of incident :</b>
          <textarea style="position:relative;"  disabled id = "myTextArea"
                  rows = "5"
                  cols = "110"><?php echo $details ?></textarea></p><br>
        <fieldset style="height:55px; width:848px; border:1px solid #888;">
          <b style="font-size:17px; color:black; position: relative; bottom:-5px;">Location :</b>
          <textarea style="position:absolute; left:115px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="2" cols="56"><?php echo $location ?></textarea>
          <b style="font-size:17px; color:black; position:relative; left:545px; bottom:80px;" >Date :</b><textarea style="position:relative; left:555px; bottom:70px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="2" cols="10"><?php echo $date ?></textarea>
          <b style="font-size:17px; color:black; position:relative; left:708px; bottom:135px;" >Time :</b><textarea style="position:relative; left:715px; bottom:125px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="2" cols="10"><?php echo $time ?></textarea>        
          <p><b>Classification(Tick the appropriate one, Leave blank if you find it difficulty) :</b><br>
          <label style="font-size:16px;color:black;">Selected Classification :</label>
          <textarea style="position:relative; bottom:-3px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="1" cols="47"><?php echo $checkbox ?></textarea>
          <b style="font-size:17px;color:black;">Details of Injured(IP)(if any) :NA</b><br>
                            <textarea style="position:relative; bottom:-5px;" disabled name="name" cols="25" rows="1" class="form-control"> <?php echo $injured ?></textarea>
        <p style="position:relative; left:280px; bottom:35px;">
           <b style="position:relative; bottom:4px;">Age/Gender :</b>
                            <textarea disabled name="agegender" cols="3" rows="1"><?php echo $agegender ?></textarea>
        <p style="position:relative; left:435px; bottom:75px;">
           <b style="position:relative; bottom:4px;">Contact :</b>
                            <textarea disabled name="agegender" cols="9" rows="1"><?php echo $contact ?></textarea>
        <p style="position:relative; left:600px; bottom:115px;">
           <b style="position:relative; bottom:4px;">Organization :</b>
                            <textarea disabled name="agegender" cols="9" rows="1"><?php echo $organization ?></textarea>
        <p style="position:relative; left:0px; bottom:125px;">
           <b style="position:relative; bottom:4px;">Department :</b>
                            <textarea disabled name="agegender" cols="9" rows="1"><?php echo $dept ?></textarea>
          <p style="position:relative; left:226px; bottom:165px;">
           <b style="position:relative; bottom:4px;">Employee ID :</b>
                            <textarea disabled name="agegender" cols="9" rows="1"><?php echo $empid ?></textarea>
          <b style="color:black; position: relative; bottom:204px;">Summary of Incident(Attach Photographs, if any, as Annexure1) :</b>
          <textarea style="position:absolute; left:25px; top:525px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="8" cols="110"><?php echo $summary ?></textarea>
        <div class="form-group">
                        <label style="position:absolute; left:82%; top:505px;">Uploaded Images Here :</label><b style="position:relative; left:88%; bottom:198px;"><?php echo "<a href='uploads/" . $image . "'><img src='uploads/" . $image . "'height='105' width='120'></a>" ?>  </b>
          <b style="color:black; position: relative; bottom:186px;">Potential outcome(Incase of Near Miss Case or Potential incident only) :</b>
          <textarea style="position:absolute; left:27px; top:700px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="8" cols="110"><?php echo $outcome ?></textarea>     
          <b style="color:black; position: relative; bottom:146px;">Likely cause(s) :</b>
          <textarea style="position:relative; right:112px; top:-10px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                 rows="8" cols="110"><?php echo $cause ?></textarea>         
          <b style="position: absolute; top:1032px;">Immediate action(s) taken :</b>
          <textarea style=" float:left; position:relative; bottom:14px;" disabled id = "myTextArea"
                    rows="8" cols="110"><?php echo $action ?></textarea></p>
          <p style="float:left;">
          <b style="font-size:17px;color:black;">Incident reported by :</b><br><br>
                            <input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $reportedname ?>">
              <input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $position ?>">
              <input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $organisation ?>"><br><br>
              <b>Reporter contact no:</b>              
              <input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $reportedcontact ?>">
              <b>Reporter department:</b>              
              <input type="text" disabled name="name" value= "<?php echo $reporteddept ?>">
      <fieldset style="position:relative; top:30px; width:848px; ">        
          <b style="font-size:18px; color:darkblue;">Status of the Proposal : <?=$status?></b>
        <b style="font-size:18px;">Select Department :</b>    
        <input type='hidden' name='department'>
    <td><select name='department'>
    <option value='' selected>------SELECT DEPARTMENT------</option>
    <option value='Civil'>Civil</option>
    <option value='O&M'>O&M</option>
    <option value='C&M'>C&M</option>
    <option value='MMD'>MMD</option>
    <option value='Logistics'>Logistics</option>
    <option value='HR&ADMIN'>HR&ADMIN</option>
    <option value='Fire & Safety'>Fire & Safety</option>
    <option value='IT & MIS'>IT & MIS</option>
    <option value='F&M'>F&M</option>
    <option value='EMD'>EMD</option>
    <option value='C&I'>C&I</option>
    <option value='Store'>Store</option>
    <option value='EHS'>EHS</option>
    <option value='Tech Cell'>Tech Cell</option>
    <option value='Operation'>Operation</option>
            <b style="font-size:18px;">Selected Department : <input type="text" disabled value="<?=$department?>"></b>
       <div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
    </form> </body></html>
<label style="background-color:deepskyblue; border-radius: 5px; font-size:32px;">Uploaded Files after Completion</label>
  <fieldset style="background-color:aliceblue;">
        <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row->id?>"> 
                 <label><b>Upload Image Here :</b></label><br><br>
                            <input type="file" name="name" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="incident_reference" onchange="document.getElementById('inc_ref').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]); document.getElementById('inc_ref').className +='_active'; document.getElementById('inc_ref_span').className += '_hidden'">
                        </div><iframe id="inc_ref" width="220px" height="130px"></iframe><br><br>
                <b>Details :</b><br>
                <textarea rows="6" cols="110" style="border-radius:12px;" name="details" placeholder="Details"></textarea>
            <input type="submit" name="submit" style="background-color:deepskyblue; cursor:pointer; border-radius: 8px; font-size:19px;" value="Submit"></form>
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root", "","registration");

$res = $conn->prepare("SELECT id
                            ,image, details
                            FROM upload
                       WHERE id = ?
$res->bind_param('i', $_GET['id']);
           while ($res->fetch()) { 
    echo"<a href='completedupload/" . $image . "'><img src='completedupload/" . $image . "'height='105' width='120'></a><br><br>";  
    echo '<b style="font-size:18px;">Details :'.$details.'</b><br>';
<fieldset style="background-color:aliceblue;">
<label style="background-color:deepskyblue; border-radius: 5px; font-size:22px;">Comment Section</label><br><br>
        <form action="ehscomment.php" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id ?>"> 
                <b>Name :</b>
                <input type="text" name="cname" style="border-radius:5px;"><br><br>
                <b>Leave a Comment :</b>
                <textarea rows="6" cols="110" style="border-radius:12px;" name="comment" placeholder="comment"></textarea>
            <input type="submit" name="postcomment" style="background-color:deepskyblue; cursor:pointer; border-radius: 8px; font-size:19px;" value="comment"></form>
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root", "","registration");

if (!isset($_GET['id']) || trim($_GET['id'])=='') {
    header("Location: ");

$res = $conn->prepare("SELECT id
                            ,cname, comment,date
                            FROM comments
                       WHERE id = ?
$res->bind_param('i', $_GET['id']);
           while ($res->fetch()) { 
    echo'<b style="color:darkmagenta">'.$cname.'  :  </b>';  
    echo ''.$comment.'<br>';
    echo'<b style="color:gray">'.$date.'</b><br><br>';    

I haven’t read all that code because there’s far too much to wade through. To add what you want (which is a date, not a time, by the look of it), you could add a text box or date picker to your form, alongside where you choose whether it is approved, rejected or whatever else. Look at the selection the user has made to decide which column the date should be entered into - if they chose “approved”, insert into the “date_approved” column, and so on.

It may be a good idea to store a row in a table each time the status is changed, so you can see a timeline. That could perhaps trigger the update in the main table.

Of course, you might not need the user to enter the date if they will always be updated in “real time”, you can just use the current date.

The approval part is being inserted using ENUM method & update statement in the database. So, can i add a new table for date in the approval page with columns approval date & rejected date?

You probably could, you’d also need a column to tie it to the “thing” that is being approved. Couldn’t those dates go into the main table, is it more appropriate that they are in a separate one?

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